Hi Gus,
Mike from DupeFree Pro here with some tips on using DupeFree Pro's
matching settings...
The way DupeFree Pro detects duplicate content can be completely
tailored to your own needs using the matching settings located at
the bottom of the user interface.
These settings drive its core function... detecting and
highlighting duplicate content between the two window panes.
The major difference between DFP and other tools is the freedom it
provides when calculating the similarity percentage.
This is one of the most powerful aspects of DFP and also one of the
main reasons we had DFP created - so that we could be in full
control and not run blind with our content creation.
However, allowing you to change the settings means you also need to
understand them and how they affect your results.
Each of the matching options in DFP are explained below:
Allow Word Spanning Over Multiple Sentences
When this box is checked DupeFree Pro will ignore the end of
sentences and paragraphs when calculating if a string of words is a
match. This box is checked by default.
When checked you will usually get a higher duplicate content
percentage. However, we feel ignoring end of sentences provides a
more accurate reflection of what Search Engines could consider as
duplicate content.
Minimum Length Of The Matching Parts
[number entry box & dropdown menu]
These two settings are very important and greatly influence the
amount of duplicate content that is detected.
The main factor in calculating duplicate content is the minimum
matching size to be used when considering if a string of words
should be recognized as duplicate content.
Does it only take two adjacent words matching an identical pair in
another text to become duplicate content? ... or maybe its three
words running together, perhaps its ten?! We really have no way of
realistically telling at what point the Search Engines may consider
a duplicate content match to be an issue and so we have to try and
deduce a measurement without going overboard or selling ourselves
Everyone has their own opinion as to what should be the right size
to consider as a duplicate match across two pieces of text. This is
why DupeFree Pro has been made flexible enough for you to set your
own minimum matching size threshold.
Using the number entry box and the drop down options menu you can
set any number of running words, sentences or paragraphs as the
minimum matching size for duplicate content.
Simply enter a number in the "Minimum Length Of The Matching
Parts=" entry box and then select from the drop down box next to
that whether you want the number of matching parts to be either
words, sentences or paragraphs. Now when clicking the 'Compare'
button those minimum matching length settings will be used when
DupeFree Pro calculates and highlights duplicate content.
The default settings in DupeFree Pro for these two controls are '4'
and 'Words'. These are the settings we use most often because we
believe they provide the right balance for catching most of the
larger chunks of duplicate content and are not so low that the DFP
picks up everything.
You will find that is usually very hard if not impossible to remove
all duplicate content if you go for a setting of "2 - Words" or
below. This minimum length is just too small and causes far too
many text sections to be flagged as duplicate. Using settings of "3
- Words" is bearable but still poses similar issues, whilst going
above "7 - Words" or "8 - Words" can start to open up the
possibility of large sections of duplicate content being missed.
Find a setting that provides the balance you are happy with or
simply use the current DupeFree Pro default settings.
One thing to note when comparing two articles that have been
written for the same keyword phrase(s) is that if your matching
length settings are of the same or less length as the keyword
phrase(s) used in the articles then they will be picked up as
duplicate content as well. When this happens I usually increase the
minimum matching length to one above the longest keyword phrase and
see how this effects the "duplicate content found" percentage.
Case Sensitive
This checkbox toggles on or off whether DupeFree Pro considers
character case (capital letters and lower case letters) when
matching content.
In other words when the "Case Sensitive" box IS checked the phrases:
"simple test Phrase"
"Simple test phrase" (Note the capital letters)
...would NOT be treated as a match because their character case
does not match.
With the "Case Sensitive" box unchecked these two phrases would be
treated as the same because character case would now be ignored
when DFP compares text.
This case sensitive checkbox is unchecked by default.
"Duplicate Content Found" Percentage
[percentage output box]
After clicking the 'Compare' button DupeFree Pro locates all the
duplicate content between the two texts in the two windows panes
based on your matching settings. Then as well as highlighting the
duplicate content in the window panes DupeFree Pro also displays
the exact duplicate content percentage in an output box.
This percentage could be seen as a 'similarity percentage' between
the two articles. Always remember that this percentage value will
vary depending on your matching settings.
When the default DupeFree Pro matching settings are used ("Allow
sentence spanning" checked, "4 - words" min matching length, and
"case sensitive" unchecked) I normally consider a 10% or less
percentage to be very good. Below 5% is extremely good but often
hard to achieve as you are usually comparing two articles optimized
for the same keyword phrase(s) and so there are likely to be some
sections of text that match which contain the keyword phrases(s) or
topic specific jargon that cannot be changed.
This "duplicate content percentage" may be new to you and so
gauging it could be a little difficult at first. To help with this
DupeFree Pro displays a small emotion icon next to the output
percentage value. This smiley will change from happy to sad
depending on the percentage value.
I hope you found these tips helpful. There are also the online help
pages if you need further clarification on any DFP features:
If you have any questions send them in here via the helpdesk:
Talk soon,
Michael & Steven Grzywacz
DupeFree Pro
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