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My 1st week of WW...
August 21, 2009 at 9:59 pm

My hubby and I went to our first WW meeting last Sunday. We got the monthly pass so we could have the eTools. I am amazed at how easy this past week has been for us. I used to be a calorie counter, and I never saw the point of joining WW because I always said it was just another way of counting calories. But I was wrong! For me, counting points is a lot less intimidating and stressful than counting calories. And since I don't know (and don't want to) how many calories my points are, I don't feel as restricted.

I have had some epiphanies this week:
1. I don't know as much about weightloss as I thought I did.
2. I can eat small portions of things and still be satisfied. AND that small portions are not diet portions, they are actually normal sized and I've just been grossly overeating for years.
3. I know how to eat in diet mode. I know how to eat in glutton mode. What I've been missing is knowing how to eat in "normal" mode!
4. I hate the gym but I don't have to go there. I can get plenty of exercise outdoors.
5. I deserve to lose weight and be healthy.

I FEEL A LITTLE GUILTY...I had 41 extra points between flex points and activity points. We went out for sushi today and I ate about 20 pts worth of sushi. I know I shouldn't feel guilty, but I do. I am trying to remind myself that what I did was okay, and we are actually encouraged to use some of our extra points. But in the past, what I would call that is cheating and so I would feel guilty. But I shouldn't, right? I get new points tomorrow anyway.

Wow...What An Inspirational Site!
August 21, 2009 at 9:38 pm

Hi everyone,

After browsing this site quite a bit, I feel very lucky to have found you all! There is so much motivation and inspiration here, which will be very helpful for me.

I'm 5'9" and have always been one of those people who tend to carry their weight "well," so I'd never actually look what I would weigh. I've struggled with weight most of my life, and have been as small as 118 and as big as 223. My weight has always varied depending on what I'd be going through at different points of my life, and that's because I'm an emotional eater. My obsession is with carbs/dairy/ sugar! Like all of these little happy endorphins are released whenever I eat any of those 3, and it's shameful :( I'd like little happy endorphins to be released whenever I exercise, but I'm not there yet.

I've never had a really healthy relationship with food that lasted more than 5 months. I've struggled with eating disorders most of my life and now that I've gained all of this weight (that I gained rather quickly after marriage might I add), it's really difficult for me to lose. It's not like the days when I'd gain 10 lbs and could lose it within the month and be back to normal size. I'm now very over weight, and it feels like such a huge mountain to climb to get down to even a once dreaded 160. It's going to be difficult, but I know that I can do it, and there are so many wonderfully inspiring posts here that I know can help me.

I'm very happy to be here :D

applebees calories?
August 21, 2009 at 9:30 pm

hey i went out with some friends yesterday ( went to applebees ) I ordered the bruchetta chicken sandwich ( foccacia bread bruchetta seasoning tomato's nd chicken breast with a small serving of fries ) i picked this based on the calories the menu listed .... but thinking back about it its almost too good to be true all that for 530 calories ? how honest are reasturants with thier calories? because if this is an accurate count they will be seeing more of me !

why give up and eat and eat.....?
August 21, 2009 at 9:29 pm

Hey y'all...

I've been chatting to some friends of mine over the course of the summer about their own weight loss progress (or not).

I thought I'd pop this question to y'all: why do some people just throw in the towel after losing some weight and then just eat and eat and eat for days/weeks/or months again before they get "back on the wagon" ?

I ask because a friend of mine has problems losing weight, but she would tell me how consciously, she knew she needed to stop eating junk but felt she was trapped and wasn't ready to start again, even though she didn't want to keep gaining weight. In a nutshell, she felt stuck.

Anyone wanna tell their experiences?

~ tea

Is Yours OLD & WRINKLED Too?
August 21, 2009 at 8:39 pm

Boy mine sure is!

It could use some oil too...it has been a long time!

She hasn't been out to play in years.

What about yours?

Played with it lately?

Knucklehead nephew called tonight and said he is trying out for the NAVY softball team at his base. He told me he didn't have a glove but they had good ones at the K-Mart for $20...

I almost fell out of my chair! My first glove, a Wilson back in 1964 cost $30! I know because I had to earn half of it!

I told him I would send him my high school ball glove....started out for hardball and became a softball glove. I told him it was a Rico Carty glove...

he said..."WHO?"....

At first I figured it was because he never played baseball in all the years I raised him....mostly soccer and a lot of tennis....let's just say the kid couldn't catch or hit...we had to redirect his energy....:)

Anyway, I then figured out he didn't know Rico Carty because his last game was 30 years ago....

I pulled the glove down from the garage shelf...

wish I could still throw but the right shoulder has rotator cuff issues...

playing catch with my son a while back I had to have him slow it down because the ball would just "explode" when it got within 15 feet of me....

dang eyes going too...

the glove still fits...

but it's old and wrinkly....needs some oil...

how about yours?

I sure miss those days of catch with my kids...

so does my son....

brought that up the other night at the sports bar...

things change...:)

2 day fasting/detox plans
August 21, 2009 at 7:30 pm

I was just wondering if anyone had ever tried one of the 2 day detoxing plans, or had any good information on them. There are 2 that I have read about.

Apple Detox
For 2 days you eat only apples and drink plenty of water. It says to eat them as main meals, as well as for snacks when you get hungry throughout the day. They also say it's good to add a little cinnamon to the apples because cinnamon increase glucose metabolism.

2 day detox
This consists of a 128 oz. mixture of fresh grapefruit juice, orange juice, lemon juice, and water. You are supposed to drink 8 oz. every hour until the 128 oz. are gone, so basically you drink eight 8 oz. glasses a day. I'm assuming it's okay to drink water throughout this also.

If any has any information on this I'd really appreciate it. I'm assuming it's safe. From what I've read about fasting it's good to do every now and then to cleanse the body. I also read that fasting can help reduce cravings. I'm thinking about maybe giving one of these a try sometime next week.

Need info on calculating calories from recipe
August 21, 2009 at 7:25 pm

Hi Loves :)

I'm making fritata for dinner tonight and am having a tough time figuring it in fitday.

Anybody have a website they use for adding in ingredients and calculating the calories in a home made food?

Thanks :)

New an Need advice.
August 21, 2009 at 7:21 pm

Hello everyone. I just joined yeaterday and im so happy I found this site. I actually found it through searching for a healthy grocery list. Anyway i have a few health related questions.

i was working out in a gym going through "bootcamp" when an old knee injury flared up and forced me to stop going to the gym. Im in physical thearpy now but does anyone have any ideas of some excersises I can do that wont damage my knee further?

I have switch from a 1800-2000 calorie diet to a 1200 calorie diet. I just started it but so far its not too bad. Im starting to feel what hunger feels like!

If anyone has any ideas or a good grocery list or anything that might help please let me know!


Is It A Diet?
August 21, 2009 at 7:06 pm

I've been losing weight for about two weeks and I'm not on any particular program or what have you. I've been watching what i've been eating, cutting out really unhealthy things. Eating other things in moderation, eating more veggies, ect, not over eating, drinking more water. Basically common sense things. I feel like i'm not on a diet. Is that a good thing?

how do you "carry" your weight?
August 21, 2009 at 6:31 pm

this occurred to me last night. i had a friend over who is about 2 inches shorter than me and 20 lb less. we both were wearing sz 14 jeans from old navy and they were stretched to the max on her, but comfortably fit on me. she just all around LOOKS a lot bigger than me. how is this possible? is it a matter of how the weight is spread out over your body? she has NO butt, and mine probably is 20 lb, lol.

same with my sister, even when we weigh the same, she wears a bigger size. her legs and arms always seem to look perfect (seriously, even if she gains 50lb), but her middle section is the only part that gains and loses weight.

i store a good deal of my weight in my stomach, but not to the extent some people do where my legs and arms are still thin. its a bit more spread out. ive also noticed that whenever i tell people how much i weigh they seem shocked. they always say, "NO WAY! you dont weigh that much!" (geez, talk about a backhanded compliment). or tell me i "must carry it well".

so how do you guys store weight? and why is it that two girls who are the exact same height and weight (and neither of them is an olympic athlete or muscle woman) can look so different? is this genetic, or is it all about WHERE your weight is stored?

Day Out. Just wittering really
August 21, 2009 at 6:15 pm

My day off today so I took a bus to Ripon, about 2 hours away.
Last time I was there I thought it was a really nice place, I'd like to retire there one day. It didn't seem quite as nice today. Mind you, I was last there with the Silent One, still silent after 6 weeks. I'm not pining. I've asked myself whether I'd be happier now if I'd just let him carry on wiping his feet on me, and the answer is a resounding no for this rose blossom; but I miss the company sometimes, I guess we got on well 80% of the time.

One thing I went to do was to practise going into a restaurant to have a meal; not a cafe in a store, a real restaurant. I can be quite shy about that, so I was practising for Paris. Managed that, and it was a nice fishcake too.

Negatives: I went out looking ho-o-t - so I was deflated when a kind shop assistant called me 'my love' and the 20-something bus driver called me 'dear'. I suddenly felt like and old lady with permed hair. Poo.

Posivite: I went into the Bon Marche clothes shop (don't know if it's in the States? very cheapncheerful, used to be for old ladies with permed hair but has got a lot younger recently; or maybe I AM an oldy lady with permed hair.....) I'm looking for a navy blue pair for Paris. I thought I'd try on a UK16, knowing it'd be tight but Paris is still 8 weeks away, worth a try. Chickies, I had to go back for a UK14!!!!! They looked so good, I tore off the label for the guy to put through the till and just wore them home. UK14!! Now, I'm not being a killjoy when I say they were obviously cut large, they truly were - but I love that I bought a UK14!

Mixed day.

Bob Harper goes Vegetarian, Cholesterol drops
August 21, 2009 at 5:57 pm

According to September 2009 edition of Vegetarian Times, Bob Harper is now vegetarian. As a result, his cholesterol dropped 100 points.

He cites his inspiration as Skinny ***** (ugh!) and Engine 2 Diet (very good).


Game - Would You Rather #9
August 21, 2009 at 5:48 pm

Game is simple - choose one of the two options presented. Then give 2 choices for the next taker.

Short or long nails?

APPROVED......now what...
August 21, 2009 at 5:43 pm

Hello everyone,

Well, I called insurance today to see if they needed any more info and answer any questions they have. Well, the gal said I was approved this morning. Wow, did not expect that.

So now I am excited and scared to death at the same time. Its hard to bounce with excitement when I know there is risk and my life is about to be very different. Not to mention how big of a coward I am.

That being said….I am grateful for this chance. Grateful to God for opening doors. Grateful that I have insurance and can have this. Grateful to all of you who prayed for Gods will to be done and kept me in your prayers and thoughts. Thanks guys!! (((hug)))

WOW….my mind has to catch up to this.

Less than 100 pounds to go
August 21, 2009 at 5:18 pm

Because I always need something to look forward to, I have a list of mini-goals a mile long. I hit the latest one today. I have less than 100 pounds left to go. Two digits just feels so much more doable than three ever did (especially the high three's). I feel like I can do this and that feels great.

I was looking at some of the other goals I have on my list that are so much closer than I imagined I'd ever be to them and again, it gives me hope. I'm 44 pounds from no longer being obese. I'm 13 pounds from being half way to my goal. I'm 25.4 pounds from having lost 100 pounds. And all of those feel completely reachable. If I'm overwhelmed, I just change my perspective and focus on something really close.

If you are just looking at your end goal as the only milestone to look forward to, I highly suggest finding little mini-goals to look forward to! It makes the long road so much more interesting...

30 Somethings Daily Chat Friday 8/21/09
August 21, 2009 at 9:40 am

Morning all.

Had a few rough days, still fighting this darn sinus infection. I am now on a different antibiotic and :eek: steriods. I have been so darn hungry. Not counting anything but just trying to eat healthy foods.

DD is still crying every night. Middle school sucks apparently! I know it's tough but sheesh kid your momma can't take it anymore. Plus she is just now starting to develop (ya know in certain areas) and I think her hormones must be going crazy.

Tomorrow we are going on a Christian Day Camp with church.

Hope everyone has a great day.

PETA ad comparing obese to whale
August 21, 2009 at 9:28 am

new ad campaign by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals involving a billboard in Jacksonville, Florida, that visually compares an obese woman to a whale.


PETA has gone waaaay too far on this one.

Mercury found in every fish tested in the US
August 21, 2009 at 8:56 am

Mercury-tainted fish found widely in U.S. streams
Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:11pm EDT

By Steve Gorman

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Scientists have detected mercury contamination in every one of hundreds of fish sampled from 291 freshwater streams, according to a U.S. government study released on Wednesday.

More than a quarter of those fish contained concentrations of mercury exceeding levels set by the Environmental Protection Agency for the protection of people who eat average amounts of fish, the U.S. Geological Survey report said.

More than two-thirds exceeded the EPA-set level of concern for fish-eating mammals.

"This study shows just how widespread mercury pollution has become in our air, watersheds, and many of our fish in freshwater streams," Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said in a statement. The USGS is part of the Interior Department.

The rest of the article is available here:

Goodbye 250s!
August 21, 2009 at 8:17 am

Its been a while since I've broken out of this decade. I have been losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for a while now.

I am so happy to see the scale moving! Goofball me thought of posting right away when i finally went below :carrot:

August 21, 2009 at 8:08 am

Hi Everyone,

I'm hoping by coming here to the 3 fat chicks forum that I will find some people that I can be accountable too. I'm just so tired and frustrated with myself. I seem to have no control over food anymore. I just eat and eat until I'm sick, mad, and disguseted with myself. I've gained about 10 pounds the last month or so and my clothes are starting to not fit. Overeating doesn't really make me happy so I'm frustrated that I even do it. Right now I'm about 12 pounds above my lowest weight of this year and that just makes me so sad. I'm abusing my body with food and it's got to stop and it's got to stop NOW.

I'm 26, single and I still live with my parents(they are awesome!). For most of my childhood I was overweight. In 2007 something clicked and I dropped a lot of weight. By summer I was 127. That was such a short lived thing. Before I knew it my weight had climbed back into the 150's. Since then I've normally been between 135-145. This year I've struggled a whole lot with my weight. My lowest weight this year has been 138 as of late it is the high 140's and I think I even hit the 150's. I'm so scared that I won't be able to get this weight back off and that none of the clothes that I love will be ever fit again.

I need to get control and hopefully that control starts right now!

Bench Press / Pull Up Inspiration
August 21, 2009 at 7:43 am

I'm new to weight lifting (started July 15) and honestly didn't think I'd enjoy it nearly as much as I am. But I'm really starting to like it as a supplement to running and biking. It is totally different but still really enjoyable. :carrot:

While I started lifting mostly to try and maintain my LBM (since I'm still in a calorie deficit trying to get off these last few pounds), I actually find myself most motivated by the challenge of benching and trying to do chin ups/pull ups.

So now what I *really* want is to be able to bench 135 for 5 and do 5 unassisted chin ups or pull ups.

For my last workout, I benched 65 for 3 sets at 15, 12, 10 reps. For pull ups I am using the assist machine with 76lbs of assist for 3 sets of 12, 10, 7. I don't rest very much between sets.

What is the right approach to reach my goals for these 2 exercises? Should I try to do less sets with the maximum weight I can manage for like 3 or 5 reps? Or do I keep on doing 3 sets as I am, but with lower reps and more weight? Or is there some other approach that would be better for these specific goals? I don't have a clue.

Does anybody bench 135? Is that a totally unreasonable goal for me? I don't see any women at my gym benching, so I have nothing to compare it to. I have seen only one woman at my gym do a set of unassisted chin ups, and I was so impressed I wanted to stand up and cheer for her.

Any advice from you lifting mavens?

What to say when others gain weight?
August 21, 2009 at 7:31 am

I'm always concerned what people think when they haven't seen me in a long time because I have always gained weight, never lost until now. But now I feel good because I'm losing and I'm not worried about that nowadays.

But last week I ran into a friend who gained nearly 50lbs since I saw her 6months ago!! It was so shocking and obvious that I didn't know what to say. She told me that I look great and that I've lost a ton of weight but I didn't know how to reply in kind so I just said thank you.

What do you say when a friend gains weight quickly and suddenly?

Losing weight on vacation
August 21, 2009 at 7:23 am

Hello folks, I've been absent from the forums all summer due to a 4 week european vacation without internet. Good to be back.

Before I left I was petrified that I would gain weight on vacation. I knew my schedule wasn't going to be steady to plan exercise, and the food in europe is enough to make me gain weight just thinking of it.

I'm happy to say I lost 6lbs in 4 weeks! Ok it's not an impressive number but I wasn't expecting to lose any at all. I exercised when I could which was only 2-3 times per week as opposed to everyday at home. I was consistent with my calorie journal though and I think that's what helped most. I did not feel deprived of any of my favorite foods and ate mostly what I wanted in small portions. Here are some of the things I enjoyed on almost a daily basis:

French fries
pork chops

And I still lost 6pounds!!! Plenty of desserts were thrown in there too. Ladies... it CAN be done.

PS - I will add that I did not partake in alcohol at all though.

Weight loss and psych medications
August 21, 2009 at 5:15 am

I have a form of bipolar disorder and I have been taking psychotropic meds for almost 20 years. During the course of being on these medications that keep my stable I have gained 75 pounds over the years. I am embarking on a weight loss journey now and would like to hear from others who have been successful and worked for you while taking psych meds. I currently take lexapro and lithium and I am in the process of weaning off risperdal. I am happy with my medications as they are now, as I am stable. I don't plan on changing my medications and I know I have a long road ahead of me. Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated.

Going to give WW another chance....
August 21, 2009 at 5:11 am

...or maybe its just me I need to give the chance too?
After now being married for a year and have gained 50 pounds in 1.5 years..I really need to do something about it now. I have tried WW in the past and have been paying for it for years and not doing it. Hopefully this forum will give me the motivation or support that I need. 57 pounds to go!!!!

Finally Friday Chat
August 21, 2009 at 5:07 am

Good Morning Everyone:sunny:

Ahh...Finally Friday! I'll be off within the hour for my dark drive through the Rockies. I've mapped out my first Starbucks stop (Vail) then can make it to our other house where I'll drop the doggies off. It would be far easier to take them but we're going to meet DD for brunch and I don't know how hot it will be.

Raspberry picking, pick up doggies and back tonight.

Have a great day everyone and I'll check in on my return. I am so glad to have Alaska 2009 be a done deal and am excited to have the family back together for fall frolics.

Motivated and happy to be here
August 21, 2009 at 4:57 am

I am happy I found this site. I had heard about it on another forum I frequent. I am motivated and excited to start my weight loss journey.

I will be 45 soon and I am a mother and also a grandmother as of last year. I have had weight problems for most of my adult life. I have gotten to the point where my weight is interfering with my health and ability to feel good about myself.

I weighed 252 at the doctor's today and I have a goal to reach 192, I am 5'8" and I feel my goal is realistic and healthy for me. I simply need to eat less and better and move more....and yet something so simple is hard to do on a regular basis. I know I need to change my habits and from looking around the forum a bit I am sure that I will learn a lot about myself and make some weight lose buddies!

I have mental illness and have taken psychotropic medications for close to 20 years. I can point the finger at these meds being my biggest barrier to weight loss but I have developed horrible eating patterns and habits over the years. I also might have Celiac disease, which is basically an allergy to gluten (wheat and wheat by products). I have an endoscopy and colonoscopy in September and will be biopsied for Celiacs. The tests were also scheduled because I have had ibs symptoms for years and my doctor and I want to rule out and find out what is going on with my g.i. tract.

In my spare time I like to spend time with my granddaughter, read, write poetry, make jewelry and paint. I look forward to meeting you all and being a part of this site.

Using those extra points.....
August 21, 2009 at 4:15 am

I joined WW online and was kind of like "Aaa!!" when I saw the number of points I got....24.....that translates to roughly 1200 calories a day, right? I know that is not enough for me personally, at my current big bloated weight of 150 I could easily eat more than 2x that and not gain weight....

I noticed that we get extra points throughout the week....is it cool for me to just add five points each day to my plan and use them that way? I'd much rather do that than save up for "something special." Plus activity points??? What to do with those, seeing as you use all of your "extra" points before the activity ones? How do you plan accordingly :?:

Also....0 points foods like those soups....how do those factor in to your day? Am I over-counting my points? I have 18 more pounds to loose and I'm not really concerned about speed, I'd rather "retrain myself" to eat proper portions each day and loose .5lb or a 1lb a week than eat to little, drop it fast and gain it back.

Thanks in advance!!

LDL/HDL equation?
August 21, 2009 at 4:01 am

Can anyone help work out my LDL?

My current overall cholesterol is 5.9 but it hasn't been broken down into LDL/HDL.
The doctor says the previous overall was 6.1 and the HDL was 1.5 so ratio of 4.

Is it as simple as subtracting 1.5 from 5.9 or something more arcane?


Desperatly Need Your Support For This One!
August 21, 2009 at 2:57 am

I am setting a mini goal to start September 1, 2009. I already have a few supporters, but, could definately use more.:hug:

I have posted a challenge on Youtube, for women to do the P90X program :carrot:along with me or just follow my journey to a healthier me. I will be posting new videos of my progress weekly. To help keep me motivated, I would appreciate as much support as I can get. :D
I am taking a big leap doing this, but, I figured, this will hold me accountable. ;)I know this sounds crazy:dizzy:, but, I know this is the only way I will stick to it!

So, if anyone is interested in joining me or just want to follow my progress, you can suscribe to my youtube page.
The link is:

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc...I would love to hear from you.

Thanks so much!

I actually scraped the ice off the ice cream?
August 21, 2009 at 2:51 am

So I posted earlier and again I made it through the day until both my roommates went out. I hate it when they do that. I'm fine when they are here, but alone is when I mess up. So anyhow, there's nothing sweet in the house but I remember there is this really old gigantic tub of neopoliten ice cream in the outside freezer. So I scraped the ice off to get to the semi okay part to eat. Then I decided to liven it up so I wouldn't taste how stale it was by adding trail mix and peanut butter. However, because I peanut butter and trail mix are hard to get rid of (I'm bulimic) I added some vanilla soy milk and mixed it all together into a soupy disgusting bowl of mind numbing anesthesia.

The funny thing was I was googling eating disorder treatments in my area as I was gulping down this swirl of mush. God, I need help. What the heck is wrong with me. I'm only writing this so candidly because this IS the disease. This is how messed up it is.

Hopefully those of you who are abstinent from food addiction can read this and it helps them remember where they came from. Hopefully, me writing this makes me not sweep it under the carpet like its no big deal IT IS a big deal.
Anyhow, try again tomorrow.

Woot new pants and bra :D
August 21, 2009 at 2:17 am

My first mini goal in a month, I tried a size 18 pant today and they fit :D Not only that, I've dropped a cup in the bra too and finally able to wear garments from victoria's secret! Usually women don't like losing cup sizes, but for me, it was the most wonderful thing in the world to finally have a choice of wearing pretty bras that aren't from lane bryant! Does anyone else feel this way too?

I'm confused on how the calorie thing works...?
August 21, 2009 at 1:04 am

:?:Hi, I've been on a diet for the past 2 weeks and I did not lose a single pound. I eat 800-900 calories daily and I run 5-6 miles every morning. Then, I saw online that 1200 calories is the absolute min daily calorie requirement for the body, so my diet actually put my body in a starvation mode and made my metabolism slow down, instead of losing weight, my body clings on every bit of fat I consume.
I really want to lose 10 lb in a month, but based on the calorie system, it means that I need to eat 1200 everyday, but in order to lose 10lb in a month, I need a daily deficit of 1250, that is I'll have to burn 2400 everyday. That seems to be impossible. It's like running 30 miles. But then why can some people lose 10 lb in a month?
Am I calculating it wrong?
Is there any way to lose 10 lb in a month?
Thanks for reading this and please comment : )

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