Please add to your address book to make sure you receive these messages in the future. | |
| 8/15 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community August 15, 2009 at 2:06 am |
| Please add to your address book to make sure you receive these messages in the future. | |
| Hi, I'm new here August 14, 2009 at 11:44 pm |
| My name's Kayla and I'm only 18. Um I've been dieting for a little over two months now and lost about 13 pounds so far but now I'll be starting Weight Watchers. It's amazing I've gone this far without really following a plan. Anyway, any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciate! :D |
| Newbie from New York City!! August 14, 2009 at 11:10 pm |
| Greetings everyone, I am brand new to this site and this forum. I'm introducing myself as suggeszted. I've struggled with my weight since I was a child. I'm 25 now. I had great success on Weight Watchers in 2003-2005. After I lost 30 lbs and got down to my all time low weight of 135 lbs, I slowly gained it all back and some up until this year around this time. I had two liposuction surgeries in January and April of this year and removed 6liters of fat from my body. I lost 0 lbs since my two surgeries. So, I am trying to lose weigh, tone and tighten myself. Plastic surgery is anything but a quick fix, let me tell you. I hope to hear from anyone =) Blessings, EMILY
| i've been stuck at losing weight August 14, 2009 at 10:55 pm |
| i didn't know Lithium could cause a person to be this way. i've recently been weening myself off with a Dr's help. i am on Abilify now. Does lithium really make it hard to lose weight? |
| What Are Some Of Your Favorite Foods (Revamped of course) August 14, 2009 at 10:55 pm |
| I was thinking about how I could revamp some of my old favorites and turn them into new healthy favorites. Have you done this to any of your old faves? If so tell me about it. |
| Hello ladies and gents August 14, 2009 at 10:50 pm |
| i've been trying to lose weight the past couple of years. i never realized how many demons i carried within myself. i'm trying to overcome them now, i have them in my sights. Maybe, just maybe, this is the time for me to make some progress? i hope so. i also hope this is a place of peace, somewhere i can come to find some calm and positive feelings. It's nice to meet all of you. |
| OMG! Fried Bologna Sammiches!! August 14, 2009 at 10:30 pm |
| I never knew bologna came fat free until I was looking at the hungry girl site. I have always loved fried bologna sammiches. I dunno how many calories is in a regular fried bologna that I would ordinarily make, I'm sure its a motherload. I went to the grocery store to pick up some today, I couldn't wait to try it. :D So it's what I had for supper tonight. 2 slices Natures own honey wheat light toasted (80 cal) 2 slices fried bologna (pan fried in a nonstick pan with a bit of canola pam spray) (40 cal) 1 tbsp Hellmans low fat mayo (15 cal) 2 tsp yellow mustard (0 cal) 1 slice fat free american cheese (30 cal) 42 g romaine lettuce (10 cal) 175 total calories for my sammich and it was yummy! :carrot: This isn't something I will have all the time because I can see that it could pose a problem for me. But it sure is nice to have something to fall back on that's one of my favorites. |
| yup, im trying to get off the pity party train! August 14, 2009 at 10:09 pm |
| What an awful feeling! I somehow hopped on the pity party train yesterday! I'm been trying to stay motivated and happy but just can't seem to do it. TOM is lurking around the corner so maybe that's part of the way I'm feeling. The other part is my back! I'm happy that its almost in, but its just that darn back spasm that won't give way. Plus, I'm still coughing so that doesn't help. I'm constantly running to the bathroom at night due to the coughing and it doesn't let my back rest to get rid of the spasm. Ugh. I feel so out of control the last couple of days. Today, I have into temptation and indulged in a chocolate tart at starbucks (unfortunately, it wasn't as good as it looked). I went over my points and have no flex points till weigh in. I know this is a minor bump in my journey but I guess I just wanted to get it off my chest and move on. Tomorrow is a new day right? What do you all do when you feel like this? Thanks for listening to me rant and rave |
| I am so excited to have just found this thread! August 14, 2009 at 9:36 pm |
| I'm not sure if it is okay to post on here, but I didn't see a place for vegetarian chick intros. If this is in the wrong place just let me know and/or move it! Anyways, I am so excited to just see this thread! I am the only vegetarian I know in my life, and I haven't really found alot on vegetarian dieting online, so stumbling onto this thread today was awesome! I didn't even think a vegetarian group existed on here, so I didn't even think to look! It seems that vegetarians are supposed to all be skinny or something. I would probably fall into that category more if I didn't pile the veggies on a cheese laden pizza that I then dipped into a tub of garlicky butter sauce or put them in a alfredo pasta with a loaf of bread on the side. I think you see my point. Stupid yummy carbs.... I have been trying to lose weight for awhile now. Long story short, I gained 100 pounds during my pregnancy. After my daughter was born 2 years ago, I was told that the weight would come off during breastfeeding....which did not happen. I ate sensibly, but kept it around 2000 cal a day, as that was what I was told you were supposed to do when bf. Even with a bunch of exercising, nothing happened, so I got discouraged and went back to pizza and ice cream. Finally, I couldn't handle being this overweight anymore, so about 5 months ago, I tried lowering my calories to 1500, still with hardly any results, even though I was bikeriding every day while towing daughter in a trailer. Last month, I decided daughter had been nursing for over 2 years, and I really needed to do something drastic, so I cut calories to 1200-1500 and FINALLY started seeing results. I have lost about 40 pounds so far since June 22 and have gone from a size 24 to a size 20/22. I was wondering if other vegetarians who are dieting with success or are now maintaining have any tips? I have read that soy can deter weight loss and was wondering what others know or have experienced? I do alot of soy during the day, and don't want this to come back and bite me in the bum in the long run. I know the basics--eat lots of fruit/veggies, avoid too much fat, etc. But was wondering what else you veggies got! |
| Posted pics... August 14, 2009 at 8:53 pm |
| of my 140 pound loss in the 100 lb club Progress section for those that wanted to see! |
| So here I am, trying yet again to lose weight (Lithium & Hypothyroidism not helping!) August 14, 2009 at 8:33 pm |
| Hi Guys, Wow my very first post. I feel so brave. I was scared of writing this introduction post as that would mean I would really be making my little plan real and it's amazing how you can find ways to procrastinate! I need to lose just over 20lbs to get back to my 'natural' weight. My weight gain has happened over the past few years due to my emotional eating because of depression, long-term lithium treatment and hypothyroidism (brought on my the lithium - damn you!). I really am scared that, if I don't learn a new way of viewing food and eating, that my weight will get to a very unhealthy point and I really don't need more issues!. :dizzy: So this is me saying hi!! As my weight is closely related to my depression I find it hard to chat about it with friends. The main reason I seem to fail my own little diets is that I lack support or motivation so I remember reading about this forum and thinking it would be great to feel part of a team with the same goal. I hope I will learn a lot from your experiences as I have done already (yes... I confess I secretly lurked for a few days!) So count me in for the ride! :carrot: |
| Getting sick of the food August 14, 2009 at 8:17 pm |
| OK so I am doing OK with the weightloss but I am getting seriously sick of the food. I just want to eat something fun once. I know I am whining but what do you do when you get to this phase?:( |
| Target HR not high enough? August 14, 2009 at 8:14 pm |
| Hello all! I recently purchased a HRM (a Polar F4) and after plugging in all the info and figuring out what my target HR should be, I put it to use. I am currently doing C25K and HIIT 3X a week (alternating days) and I was surprised when my watch started beeping at me, signaling I was over my target HR. I really didn't feel like I was working all that hard and just kept going at my normal pace (which put my HR between 170-180, my target HR is 119-156). So today during my HIIT workout I made a real effort to slow it down to keep within my target and I had a hard time doing so. I felt like I was barely working and yet my heart rate still went above my target HR. My question is, should I just ignore the target HR zone and keep judging my workouts based on how I feel or should I keep slowing things down to stay within my zone? I know that figuring your target HR is more of an estimate and if I really want to know exactly what it is I should schedule a visit with my dr, but I was curious if anyone else experiences this and if so, have you changed the intensity of your workouts or kept them the same? Thanks so much in advance for any input! :) |
| Getting sick of the food August 14, 2009 at 8:11 pm |
| OK so I am doing OK with the weightloss but I am getting seriously sick of the food. I just want to eat something fun once. I know I am whining but what do you do when you get to this phase?:( |
| New to WW at Home August 14, 2009 at 7:59 pm |
| Hello, I'm Laura, 25 years old, from Wisconsin. I am going to start doing the at home program. My friend is going to be dropping off her old materials to get me started sometime tomorrow. So I am hoping to get off to a start on Sunday. I have a long ways to go,(I weigh in around 325lbs) but I know it will be worth it. Does anyone have some extra tips? :wave: |
| Sweltering heat - a new diet plan??? August 14, 2009 at 7:57 pm |
| hahah here in Ontario it's been 90s and super high humidity and we don't have air conditioning LOL i think i've run mad!! I sit in front of the fan so my eyeballs dry out and can't stomach food, yuck. I've survived on popsicles, cold crunchy veg and dip, and cheese and crackers. It's going to be like this til next weekend at least wow, i'll be at goal by then ;) |
| best fiber supplement? August 14, 2009 at 7:16 pm |
| i know that its supposed to be best to get your fiber via foods, but im wondering what the best source of fiber otherwise is. i know there are pills and drinks and supplements, but i dont know much about them. im hoping to find a supplement that will help with regularity as well as help increase fiber intake without causing unpleasant side effects (cramping, gas, etc) |
| Fla. doc fired over 'doughnuts equal death' sign August 14, 2009 at 6:58 pm |
| Saw this in the news today: I can't believe the Florida Health Department would fire a physician for speaking out against the junk that our society is overridden with. I say more power to him. That's exactly the kind of message healthcare professionals need to get out there, without worrying about stepping on someone's toes. |
| remeron/xanax/and anxiety in general August 14, 2009 at 6:58 pm |
| i have suffered from severe panic attacks and general anxiety disorder since i was 14. a few things, first of all, im on remeron for sleep. a few years after being on this, my doctor told me that patients gain around 5lbs/year while taking it. (thanks for waiting til id been on it for FIVE years to tell me). i also have heard that xanax causes weight gain. im wondering if anyone on this medication has had similar experiences? also, my mom and i got in an argument last night and i ruined my whole day by stuffing my face. ive noticed as i diet that anxiety tends to rule over motivation and that when i get anxious, i eat. is this a problem for anyone else? |
| the internet keeps confusing me August 14, 2009 at 6:34 pm |
| ok, so i posted yesterday that im getting really frustrated by my weight loss stalls. heres a recent rundown last week - 0 lost week before - 2.4 lost week before - 0 lost week before - 1.4 lost this cycle has been going on for about 2 months. im totaling about 4lbs/month. i am a FASTIDIOUS calorie counter and i havent been changing my routine, yet im all over the map. i never know what to expect. i posted my rant yesterday and several girls said that 1000 calories/day is too low and i need to bump up to 1200 because of "starvation mode". i looked further into this today and most of the websites i found said that its a myth. they said that to go into "starvation" or "famine" mode, you need to be eating about 1/2 your bmr, which for me would be like 700 cal/day, and that even then, you would still lose weight every week, just at a slower pace. i was feeling better yesterday like i might FINALLY have an answer, but now the internet has confused me and im not sure to up my calories or lower them again. any thoughts?? |
| Well whaddya know... August 14, 2009 at 6:17 pm |
| ...I've always heard of those mysterious people who go from super addicted to sweets/carbs to having no cravings for them. I've also heard about people who go from never eating veggies (willingly) to craving them and actually enjoying them. Well girls, despite years of laughing at the notion that these types of people turns out I'm one of them! :lol: It took over 4 months of eating healthy and trying new things but I have kicked the sugar cravings and have developed a taste for veggies! Even the one veggie I swore I'd never like, well, really it's a fruit, but you get the idea--Tomatoes!!! My mother is so proud! :D I throw veggies in everything! And I don't gag at the thought of trying dishes with tons of veggies in them whereas before, I'd nix them instantly. :carrot: Anyway, that is all. Just wanted to show that miracles really do happen in the weight loss world! :) |
| Super excited .. (update from my previous post) August 14, 2009 at 6:07 pm |
| So in my last post from the other day i expressed my hatred for the elliptical and i simply couldn't stand it .. well the Y like i mentioned just did a 6 million dollar upgrade and got all this new equipment .. well the new (what they call) elliptical machine is horrible its like climbing stairs .. thats what i could only do like 5 mins and burned 20 cal on .. today i went down stairs to the old gym where they still have all the old equip .. got on that elliptical and rocked it .. i started out and after 3 mins i looked down and seen i had burned 50 cal (for some reason i like to go by what i burn not minutes lol is that strange??) i was like you can do another 50 and before i knew it i was cooling down and made it to a whopping 180 cal burned in 14 mins :carrot: :carrot: :carrot: i wanted to keep going but i needed to get my daughter from dance class .. the stupid Y changed child watch hours and they dont have Friday evening hours .. lucky for me i took my niece and i sent her into the pool w/ Nicholas .. i can't wait to go back now .. lol i was gonna break for the weekend cuz i had went M-Tue-W-F but I'm thinking of getting up and going on the morning :) .. sorry for the long post im just SO proud of myself .. this is such a huge accomplishment i suffer from anxiety and one of the things that I have a hard time with is working out and i dont like to see my heart rate but i did it and i kept it between 180 and 185 which i think is high but im a big girl :) and i need to expect that for now!! oh and did i mention i had to listen to a screaming child the whole time .. a parent was waiting for their child in the dance class and her son i guess didnt want to be there he screamed and cried the whole time .. talk about stress lol |
| 10 down 125 to go August 14, 2009 at 6:03 pm |
| so I know i've been pretty quiet around here but I've been super busy with all them crazy life things but I wanted to stop by becuase this morning i officially lost 10 pounds.. YAY ME!!! :carrot: I can say with full confidence that i will NEVER be 290 pounds ever again. took me just over three weeks and I'm thrilled with that. I'm going on holidays to see my sister in october and I'm hoping to lose another 10 or 15 by then. solw and steady. and I can say that if I can do this, anyone can.. lets go get em girlies!!!! |
| Flying and weight? August 14, 2009 at 5:56 pm |
| I have heard that taking long plane flights causes you to retain water and therefore possibly gain weight. Is this true? I definitely bloat and swell when I fly, I can't even fit into my shoes :(. Also, my scale magically switched to kilograms. Going to change my ticker while I'm abroad so I don't have to keep doing caculations :D |
| Withdrawals August 14, 2009 at 5:44 pm |
| Tuesday I made the decision to cut out sweets and things like fast food. I have done pretty well, but I didn't realize that doing this includes having withdrawals. Of course I am always hungry, but I am moody, tired all the time, have a headache, and a woozy feeling at times. I've read up on this a little bit and found that it is possible. You can be addicted to sugar and carbohydrates like others are to cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. Of course the symptoms aren't as bad, but they are definatley there. Has anyone else experienced this? |
| Is there a connection between having an Appendectomy and being overweight? August 14, 2009 at 4:58 pm |
| I was looking through old photos of myself and wondering this. I was a thin child and got my apendix taken out shortly before my 6th birthday. Almost immediately thereafter I gained a LOT of weight for a child that age and have been battling with it my whole life.... What do you think? |
| Keeping Weight Off on Vacay August 14, 2009 at 4:28 pm |
| Hey, everybody! So, I'm off on a three-week vacation to visit my dad down south and then my friend up north. I was wondering if anybody had any tips on how to keep weight loss in mind on trips like these? I find that I tend to go crazy eating out when I'm away on vacation, and even though keeping a food journal helps a little, I'm not exercising in the way I'm used to and can't anticipate as well when I'll be hungry, so I just eat a TON and suffer for it on the scale. How do you keep yourself on track away from home? |
| Hey guys, I've been MIA, but still On Plan August 14, 2009 at 3:51 pm |
| I've been kinda scarce around here. I've been wanting to contribute more, just haven't had time. ( I know, gotta make time, or just have the world make 30 hours in a day ) Fun News: My sister had a baby girl, and made me a first time Aunt. I am also the Godmother, and can't keep cuddling her. She is absolutely adorable. Bad News: I have been to the gym once since Monday ( the day my sister had Whitney ) I've been visiting my sister every day since she was in the hospital of the same city I work in. I would stay for hours too, just to hold the little bundle of joy. So, I finally went to the gym last night. Only did 30 minutes on the eliptical and then some weights, hope to make it to the gym again tonight and at least once over the weekend. Food has been fairly good as well. Trying to stay within 1600 calories a day. I haven't gained any but also haven't lost any. I want to be in the 180's so darn bad! Anyway, just wanted to update everyone. Hope to get back into the full swing of things starting now, and get to posting with all of you on a daily basis again. :hug: |
| Can I dothis? August 14, 2009 at 3:49 pm |
| My name is Carol, and I live in central Missouri. If I had a nickel for every time I started a diet, I would be the richest woman on the planet. I'm the heaviest I've ever been weighing in at 215. J ust four years ago, I was a svelte 147 lbs., but many things occurred that lead to the regain of weight plus 15 lbs. more. I'm wondering if I can do this yet again and, honestly, and not too hopeful. I know I shouldn't start out with a negative attitude, but I have had the tools necessary before and haven't gotten the job done. I tend to be very perfectionistic and have an all or nothing attitude which doesn't help. I can't afford to give up on myself as I know I won't be happy if I stay at this weight. Any encouragement will be much appreciated and would love to have someone that is interested in emailing daily. Carol |
| 6 months post WLS ... NEW here :) August 14, 2009 at 3:44 pm |
| My name is Karen, I am 29 & had RNY Gastric Bypass surgery on January 26, 2009. I have been lurking on this site for a few months now & really love all the inspiring stories here. I have lost 100 lbs in the past 6 months & am battling the last 27 lbs to my goal weight of 160 lbs. I look forward to "meeting" everyone & hope everyone keeps up the fantastic work they are doing for themselves! |
| 3rd times a charm! August 14, 2009 at 3:39 pm |
| Hi I am new here!! I currently started South Beach for the 3rd (serious) time. The first two attempt ended 3 months after I started. I was super please with the consistent weight lose and quick results just in the first two weeks. To be honest the first time I used this diet was in hope of getting pregnant after years and years of trying. I have PCOS and all other Dr. perscribed attempts had failed. Low and be hold 3 months into South Beach I was pregnant! After my daughters birth (now 3) I decided to start the diet to lose weight. Surprise 3 months later I got pregnant again. After the birth of my son (now 2) I didn't have the energy to give it my all. Over the past two year I have had some minor fluctuations in my weigh. Sadly I have now let my weigh become the highest it had ever been. August 13th 2009 begins a new chapter in my life and I am determined to work hard and eat right until I hit my goal! I am going to track my progress through out with posted pictures! Stay in tuned for my oh so dreaded before picture. [center]Talk soon, [center]AKmommy4 |
| Scale dilemma August 14, 2009 at 2:34 pm |
| So I've been weighing myself on my moms scale. Yesterday, I weighed myself and it said 240. A one pound gain. A little later I weighed again and it was 239, then 240, then 237. ????! I then decided to buy a new scale for my apartment. Found a digital one for like.. 18 dollars. :) I weighed last night and it was 239, so no gain or loss. Today is my official weigh in day, and I weighed after I woke up and went potty. I weighed, and what did I get? 237. So. All that being said, I'm not sure what number I should go with. I typically weigh in the afternoon so I know that's probably why it says 2 lbs down. Should I take that number and just continue to weight myself in the morning from now on? Or should I just say nothing lost nothing gained this week? I'm probably focusing too much on the numbers, but either way I'll be fine. Today is my weigh in day for the blog & I have to report SOME number... just not sure which. Ha. Thanks for your opinion :) |
| I need to go to Australia August 14, 2009 at 2:24 pm |
| Australia perfers a size 14 women over size 0. a study found that men down there like a girl who is a size 14 over a size 0. |
| My sweet tooth August 14, 2009 at 1:46 pm |
| I have huge weakness for sweets, I can just live eating sweet stuff and it has always been my biggest hurdle while on diet. I always find people around me who complain about uneasiness after eating sweets and sometimes I use to wish that happens to me too. At least it will bring my sweet tooth to some control. Guess what?? It seems to be happening now!! I had donut for breakfast today and my stomach is aching now ( but I am happy :carrot:). I wish it happen again next time I have sweets, not sure if it is a good thing to wish for :D |
| I am new here August 14, 2009 at 1:45 pm |
| Hello all! My name is Nikki, I am 31 and I am ready to change my life. I am looking for support in my long journey to a healthy lifestyle. I have been overweight for a long time, now I am ready to move forward and lose this weight. :carrot: I am a little nervous because I have always failed before, but I can't fail this time. I am not going to fail! I know I will have ups and downs, but hopefully with the support of my brothers, this forum and God I will reach my goal to healthy living. |
| Active Folks Over Fifty -- #27 August 14, 2009 at 1:41 pm |
| Hey! Did you all make it over? :lol: ------------- Active Folks Over 50 is a place to talk about fitness and healthy eating information as it relates to weight loss and/or maintenance--and also about any work, fun, hobby, or volunteer activites you're engaged in. In other words, the active part of your life! Just a few guidelines for this thread: - Raves about grandkids or ranting about your kids is out of bounds. - Lengthy discussion of your illnesses, conditions, treatments, and medical procedures in general is also out of bounds on this thread. So is whining about old age! - Positive stories of vacations taken, volunteer work, or achievements at work or elsewhere are highly encouraged! As are recommendations for books, movies, discussions of weight related issues, etc. Join in! ---------------------- I hope more of our regulars check in again soon... Is anyone here a Nevada Barr mystery fan? Her protagonist is a park ranger named Anna Pigeon. See ya! Jay |
| Rut-ROH... VLC diet time for us... August 14, 2009 at 1:11 pm |
| OMG we went for pre-op yesterday. we both gained like 11 pounds. they were NOT happy. 'cept their parting words to us at our last meeting was "you are good to go now TRY not to gain too much back" oh well... please. I have food issues. I know this is not magic but I wanted my last hurrah! nope. not happening. Brian has to lose at least 5 pounds by MONDAY. (well since he had heavy jeans and a belt on it won't be too hard) I need to lose 11 in 4 weeks. ugh. |
| Back again!! August 14, 2009 at 1:04 pm |
| Hi there, Well I was here about a year ago. Now here I am again actually 25 pounds heavier than I was last time. I can't say that anything really happened to make me gain back and then some. I just simply gave up trying. But here I sit ready to give this another go. I have a weight loss goal of 115 pounds so I really need this. I have decided to really try the right way this time. No fad diets and no miracle pills. Just cooking light with smaller portions and old fashioned hard work and exercise. My 3 kids will be back in school on the 24th so I can start using my gym membership again. It really is pathetic I have had it since January of this year and I can count on my Hands how many times I have been. I look forward to meeting all of you. |
| Losing respect for Jillian.... August 14, 2009 at 12:47 pm |
| As I'm checking my email this morning, something GNC sent me catches my eye: "New Jillian Michaels Diet Pills!" .....HUH?....:listen: I shake off the shock and click on the link to find that She now has a "fat burner" "Calorie control" and "body detox." I really could have sworn that in her books she preaches about how most diet pills aren't safe and most don't work. So why oh why would she put her name on some? I googled the pills and found this link I'm a bit dissappointed in her...:no: |
| No more tears in my eyes time to Fight. August 14, 2009 at 12:45 pm |
| I don't have any more tears in my eyes today. It's time to Fight to get this weight off! :sumo: I don't want to weigh 224 LBS or More Anymore! It's time to take away foods power away and show him who's boss. |
| Reason to eat #739: my kid killed the class salamander August 14, 2009 at 12:37 pm |
| We've been taking care of the class pet all summer, a tiger salamander. No problems, very low maintenance. Last night my 11 year old was changing the water in the aquarium, and she put the salamander in the sink, because he has to be wet at all times. She left the water in the sink running and when she came back a minute later, the water was hot-- she had accidentally scalded the poor thing. He seemed to recover ok, we got him in the right temperature water right away, and he seemed to be his old self, but when I woke up this morning he was dead. On top of that he's a rare tiger salamander and can't be replaced because he's indigenous around here. I feel like total crap. I left a voice mail with the teacher this morning and DREAD having to tell her. I'd like to eat a quart of ice cream to numb out these feelings. I guess I can only hope that my two younger kids don't have her for a teacher, or that she wasn't too attached to the salamander. |
| Figured out one of my "glitches" August 14, 2009 at 12:28 pm |
| So about 2 weeks ago, I was having a heart to heart with myself.. doing some mental probing and it occured to me that I LOVE food (all of us do right?). I love the tastes of foods, the textures of some, and sometimes the "good feelings" that they can bring. I know to make this lifetime change work for me I can not tell myself I can never eat chocolate cake ever again, or I can't eat macaroni salad or I can't eat red meat. I have to learn to eat what ever I want, just in small, calculated portions. Ok.. this is all well and good and I can do that. What I can't do.. slow down while I'm eating what ever it is that I'm enjoying at the moment. I'm not even sure how to put this into words to make it make sense... but I'll try. I think the reason I have spent sooooo many years over eating is becuase I will eat something that I enjoy eating and instead of eating it nice and slow and enjoying the taste for a while, I scarf it down and then want to enjoy more of that flavor so I will eat more of it.. sometimes up to 4 or 5 servings of that one thing. I have not let myself just keep going back for more for over 3 weeks now... but I still find that I have scarfed down whatever it is that I'm eating and not enjoyed it like I could have if I would have slowed down and thought about the enjoyment I was getting from it. I end up being done with my meal or snack and sitting there thinking "Man, I wish I would have tasted that". I guess I should put a sign on my fridge... "Slow down Sommer, there is no race to finish that plate". |
| p90x or Tony Horton's 10 min trainer?? August 14, 2009 at 12:28 pm |
| I NEED TO WORKOUT!! But I just don't know what to invest in! Has anyone tried the p90x program or Tony Horton's 10 minute trainer?? Slim in 6?? If so how did you like it? Does the program work? I am a beginner so I need something that is going to ease me into the routine. Also I've been seeing the Ab Circle Pro on TV and I just wanted to hear some feedback before I spent a great deal of money on any one product! Thanks, Kayla |
| totally embarrassing question (tmi warning) August 14, 2009 at 12:22 pm |
| feel free to disregard this post if you're easily affected by oversharing, but i was just wondering if anyone else had any issues with your, um, digestional tract? some "backside effects," if you will? i feel like my poo cycle is all kinds of out of whack, from going a few days without pooing to having episodes of diarrhea, and it's quite unpleasant. am i just delicate, or does someone else share my issues? :o |
| Ab Circle Pro?? August 14, 2009 at 11:49 am |
| Has anyone tried and saw results using the Ab Circle Pro? I would like to know it works before I dish out over $200 for this product! Thanks!! |
| thunder thighs make me angry! August 14, 2009 at 11:45 am |
| i'm becoming very frustrated with my thighs. i don't understand how after losing almost 40 lbs they're still the same freakin size. my outer thighs and lower thighs are really toned but my upper thighs are now twice the size of the lower because they haven't lost any fat at all. i've always heard that the inner thigh fat is the hardest to get rid of, but really? nothin? grrrrr. does anyone else have this issue? please tell me i'm not alone in the world of jumbo thighs. |
| 140 Pounds Baby!!!!! August 14, 2009 at 10:55 am |
| 8/15 fat loss August 15, 2009 at 2:06 am |
| Please add to your address book to make sure you receive these messages in the future. | |
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| FreeWebSubmission Verification August 14, 2009 at 7:56 am |
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| 8/14 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community August 14, 2009 at 2:07 am |
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| First 5 pounds and a comment!! August 13, 2009 at 10:03 pm |
| So I just started my committed diet and exercise plan a few weeks ago. I started at 180.5 and this morning I was 175.5! I had hoped for it to take less than 3 weeks, BUT last week I was working a band camp (yes I'm a marching band geek) and we had to eat dining hall food so though we were active I'm sure I didn't lose any then. This morning when I walked past my boyfriend he asked me to turn to the side. I did and he said, "Wow! You can really tell that whatever you've been doing is working. You have less back fat!" Now though I highly doubt a 5 pound loss would really show in my back, it was sweet and made me feel good nonetheless. Here's to keeping it up! :-) |
| I Gardened! August 13, 2009 at 9:31 pm |
| I actually gardened instead of sitting on my behind all day after work! Got the entire front flower bed weeded and trimmed and got to hang out with my mom in the process! Hurray! |
| Let me just say... August 13, 2009 at 9:08 pm |
| that there is nothing better then fixing yourself a yummy dinner and knowing its within your allotted calories for the day! |
| Welcome Your Advice! August 13, 2009 at 8:51 pm |
| I am Ipren and had a duodenal switch weight loss surgery in April 2009. I have lost about 52 pounds since then. My goal is to be at 125 pounds and this means losing another 44 pounds. I was losing more pounds right after the surgery. Is this normal? Does anybody have some suggestions about what to eat and what not to eat because I want very much to reach my goal and I think that what I am eating may not be appropriate. For instance, some times I have one slice of multi-grain bread for breakfast, some fruits for lunch, and 2 tablespoons of rice with 2 ounces of salmon for dinner. I do have at least four cups of regular coffee with 3 splenda and 2 ounces of half and half per cup. When I feel like eating something, I would have a dozen of cashew. Unfortunately I am not exercising because I was told that I have to wait a year after the surgery. I could walk but have not been able too because I am recovering from foot surgery. Anyone has any advice for me? Thank you. Ipren |
| Yoga and strength training on consecutive days August 13, 2009 at 7:30 pm |
| So I took a Yoga class on Tuesday, it was about 90 minutes long and I am STILL in pain (mostly my abs) which makes me think that it might be a bad idea to do Yoga and weights on consecutive days. I had planned to do weights on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and Yoga on Tuesday and Thursday but now I'm not so sure. Has anyone else heard anything about this? I know you're supposed to let your muscles rest every other day, and I didn't know that Yoga was going to put so much strain on my muscles. BTW, I never did weights this Wednesday because my daughter was sick, and today I missed Yoga so I just did cardio. |
| Lost 18.6 pounds in 2.6 weeks ... Half way to getting my surgery August 13, 2009 at 7:28 pm |
| I was approved a while a back for surgery and blew it by gaining weight. They told me to lose 33 pounds and I cried like a baby cause it seemed impossible, I have NEVER lost more than 22 pounds at one time in my life, including starving myself and dieting for 4 months strait. Then they sent in a Physians Assistant who gave me a copy of the basic info for the South Beach Diet, it looked so simple so I said I woud try. She also prescribed a very low dose of Phentermine with the admonishment that if I started to feel manic I was to contact her and she would get me off of it. I have not felt manic, more like oddly in control of my self then before, a little more willing to stand up for myself, but I do keep watch. the 11th (I saw her on the 23rd) I weighed in their office and I had lost 18.6 pounds you could have knocked me over with a feather. I have enjoyed the food I have on South Beach and having to make just about everything from scratch slows me way down. The first 3 or 4 days were hard, i craved white rice so bad but now I am feeling great, even with a case of summer bronchitis I feel better over all, my nails are growing like crazy, my stomach has not been nearly as upset like it use to be and my arthritis is not hurting as bad. I am hesitant to start phase two (slowly adding fruit and whole grains daily) so i am sort of on phase 1.5 keeping the opption of the right fruits and grains open but avoiding them as much as possible and sticking to vegtables on my diet as much as I can. I have also learned to always eat a protein with each carb to prevent my sugar going out of whack and causing cravings. One thing I realize is I was not ready for surgery in lots of ways, now I am getting there, I hope to actually lose 50 pounds before they open me up, I would love to try to lose it all via diet but my knees dont have the time left to do a long term diet. I am learning to eat better, not think of food all the time and to feel more comfortable with the idea of surgery. |
| * * * * 200.5 * * * * August 13, 2009 at 6:59 pm |
| Oh boy... I got on the scale this morning and weighed 200.5... That is such a scary number for me...... I try not to let the scale run my life, I know better... but I do let it be my best friend when I'm losing... The number ruined about 8 hours of my day... which included a fattening lunch and some crankiness at work... and that's it ! I recovered a lot quicker this time.. and that's a big thing to me... I'm one of those people who says to myself.. "oh well, I'll get back on track tomorrow, next week, next month..." You know how that goes... I'm back on track tonight and its not a Monday or 1st of the month... and despite quitting smoking, despite some medical setbacks and physical setbacks I'm still pushing... It amazes me how little credit I give myself for these accomplishments.. Like getting back on plan...I would have handled things a lot differently a few months ago... I guess what I want to say: GIVE YOURSELF MORE CREDIT, make yourself aware of all the little things you do RIGHT !! I got used to zero-ing on everything I did wrong... this time I recognized what I did right !!!!!!!!! |
| MAJOR frustration August 13, 2009 at 6:54 pm |
| ok so, i started my diet in january of this year at 220 (im 5'7). for the first 20 lbs, i was losing a steady 2-3 lbs/week. after that, i was hovering about 1.5-2.5 lbs per week. ever since i hit about 188 its been RIDICULOUS. im on a lot of anti anxiety meds that cause weight gain so its been an uphill battle, but recently, im getting soooo frustrated. i totally stuck to my diet his week and lost nothing. not even 0.2 of a lb. im only averaging about 4 lb/ month. i knew this would happen eventually, but i thought it would be a lot further down the line when i got closer to my goal. its really frustrating to still be as big as i am and the weight is just BARELY dropping. ive tried changing up my routine, reducing calories, adding exercise, drinking more water, but the scale is just being completely stubborn for the past 2 months. at first i thought i had just hit a plateau and if i kept going it would pass, but TWO month is a looong time. at my size, should it be this slow? i figured when i got down to like 160 it would drop off significantly in speed, but im now at 180.8 which is still very overweight for my height. any advice? so much work with no results is just depressing!! |
| 8/15 Classified Ads August 15, 2009 at 2:06 am |
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| **HARMONIC BALANCER FOR SALE**must go... August 14, 2009 at 8:35 pm |
| i have a harmonic balancer..i bought it for 200 then plus shipping and handeling and was will fit the following-Fits SOHC Engines Only Brand NEW fitting the following years and models: 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Dodge Stealth 1997 1998 1999 Mitsubishi 3000GT 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Mitsubishi Diamante.............plaese take it off my low on you want it i will deliver or meet you somewhere...or even send it to name is number is... ($120-110) |
| Swimming Pool 15'x30' August 14, 2009 at 8:34 pm |
| Ovation Classic raised swimming pool 15'x30'x4', with new n/g heater (can change to LP), Hayward pump, sand filter, latter, solar-cell sunblanket. Has always been under cover. Good shape. ($3000.00) |
| 41 PC CUTLERY SET August 14, 2009 at 8:34 pm |
| Everything you need for a new kitchen, this high quality 41-piece utensil set makes a great housewarming gift for any house–including yours! Includes: 1 METAL HANGER 1 WOOD KNIFE BLOCK 14 PRECISION BLADES 6 KITCHEN UTENSILS 16 PC KITCHEN GADGETS 4 PC STEAK KNIVES 5.5" X 9" CUTTING BOARD SEE MORE KNIFE SETS ON WEBSITE: |
| Used SAAB Engine August 14, 2009 at 8:31 pm |
| 1990 SAAB 9000 Engine (Turbo) Runs Good ($300.00) |
| KITCHEN UTENSILS August 14, 2009 at 8:30 pm |
| Chefmaster 7pc Stainless Steel Kitchen Utensil Set. Our kitchen utensil set by Chefmaster is made of stainless steel parts and a high impact Handles. Each 7pc set includes a slotted turner, slotted spoon, soup ladle, spaghetti spoon, meat fork and a counter top stand. The convenient hang up slots make access and storage a breeze and the limited lifetime warranty puts your mind at rest. SEE MORE COOKWARE ON WEBSITE: |
| Lladro Figurine -"Family Roots" (genuine) August 14, 2009 at 8:29 pm |
| Purchased from the Lladro Museum in Manhattan. Spanish Name: Los Cuentos de Abuelita Issued: 1986 - RETIRED Last Retail: $1,200.00 Height (inches): 10.75 Width (inches): 11.25 Finish: Glazed ($640.00) |
| NEW HIGH QUALITY EPSON PHOTO PRINTER STYLUS R2400 August 14, 2009 at 8:27 pm |
| This printer has NEVER been used and comes in the original box. What you get with the printer: Nine Epson UltraChrome K3™ Pigment Ink cartridges FACTORY SEALED; Roll paper holder accessory, IEEE-1394/FireWire® cable, USB cable not included, Matte sheet support, Single sheet guide, Printer documentation, CD-ROM containing printer drivers and software (Windows and Macintosh). This printer features: 3.5-picoliter droplet size; max resolution of 5760 x 1440 optimized dpi Print speed: 11" x 14"... ($659) |
| iGallop exercise horse August 14, 2009 at 8:27 pm |
| Barely used (about a dozen times) IGallop electric horse, three speeds, simulates the motion of a real horse, concentrating on strengthening core muscles. Can be "ridden" while watching TV. Great for muscle strengthening. Bought at Brookstone for about $400, moving, must sell. Will sacrifice for $150. Condition same as brand new. It's purple, too! ($150.00) |
| King Size Bed and frame August 14, 2009 at 8:27 pm |
| King size bed with almost new mattress set into a king sized water bed frame. Moving to a smaller place and cannot take it with me. Just want to give it away and have it taken away before I move out at the end of August. Call Wendy at 416-605-4198 (Free) |
| BELLAMO 26 PIECE FLATWARE August 14, 2009 at 8:24 pm |
| 4 salad forks 4 dinner forks 4 dinner knives 4 dinner spoons 4 teaspoons BONUS of 4 steak knives, 1 serving fork and 1 serving spoon included SEE MORE FLATWARE ON WEBSITE: |
| A1 BLACK SEDAN SERVICE August 14, 2009 at 8:19 pm |
| Nikita Bistro 20pc Stainless Steel Flatware Set. August 14, 2009 at 8:19 pm |
| There s nothing better than an extra heavy set of stainless flatware. This is the heaviest flatware we sell. Forks, spoons and knives so thick and strong you can t bend them with your bare hands. Each piece is drop forged from a thick round bar of solid 18/0 stainless. Forks, spoons and knives so thick and strong you can't bend them with your bare hands. The flawless finish makes it a good-looking set. This service for 4 includes teaspoons, salad forks, dinner forks, dinner spoons and dinner... |
| 1989 bmw 325ic automatic red August 14, 2009 at 8:18 pm |
| 1989 bmw red 325ic convertible , have hard top and softop , park in garage to long , now is not start, i think gas get dirty , engine is prtty good ,call for more infor. antoine 512 656 9580 ($1500) |
| CARVO VAN W/TITLE August 14, 2009 at 8:16 pm |
| SORETHUMBS CONSTRUCTION August 14, 2009 at 8:15 pm |
| Stainless Steel Sport Bottle August 14, 2009 at 8:14 pm |
| Our 17oz 18/8 stainless steel sport bottle by Maxam has double wall insulation for keeping your drinks cold and is built to last. Measures 10-1/4" x 2-3/4". Lifetime warranty SEE MORE DRINKWARE ON WEBSITE: |
| MEDAL FILING CABNIETS August 14, 2009 at 8:12 pm |
| Brooke's Bunny Barn August 14, 2009 at 8:12 pm |
| lionheads and rexs for 20.00 in lakeland ($20.00) |
| Dinner table with 4 matching chairs, excellent condition August 14, 2009 at 8:11 pm |
| Round 27 inch diameter dinner table including four ice cream parlor type chairs / stools to match. Excellent condition. Perfect for apartment setting. ($100 or be...) |
| 1999 MERCURY SABLE LS August 14, 2009 at 8:11 pm |
| 4pc Cold/Hot Beverage Set August 14, 2009 at 8:09 pm |
| Maxam 4pc Cold/Hot Beverage Set. Includes 1 liter stainless steel vacuum bottle, 2 stainless steel cups and a zippered travel case with shoulder strap and handle SEE MORE DRINKWARE ON WEBSITE: |
| Pavers, Synthetic Turf, Walls, Steps, and More August 14, 2009 at 8:08 pm |
| - INSTALL-IT-DIRECT can SAVE you up to 25-45% OVER the Competition, GUARANTEED! - Call Now to get a FREE Professional Design Consultation. TOLL FREE 1-(866)-640-1919 - ELIMINATE the MIDDLEMAN and SAVE $$$! - Pavers, Artificial Turf, Walls, Steps, Fire Pit, Xeriscape, and much more. Visit our website to learn more INSTALL-IT-DIRECT (Save up to...) |
| 1965 Mercury Comet August 14, 2009 at 8:06 pm |
| 1965 Mercury Comet, rebuilt 302, Edlbrock 4bbl, duel flowmasters. New paint white and red interior whith replated chrome. CD player and power amp. ($10,000 ob...) |
| Ford Thunderbird August 14, 2009 at 8:05 pm |
| it has been wrecked. Needs front cap. Runs fine. Brand new tires. Interior immaculate. ($1,500 or ...) |
| 2001 Haulmark enclosed trailer August 14, 2009 at 8:04 pm |
| 3 axles, electric brakes, 36' car hauler, finished interior, fits two cars at a time with plenty of room to walk around. Will consider reasonable offer, to replace this trailer would cost $28,000, it is just like new, used on highway 5 times, stored on blocks during the winter. ($11,000 or...) |
| 15-PC PROFESSIONAL CHEF SET August 14, 2009 at 8:02 pm |
| Titanium Steel makes these the sharpest and strongest knives on the market today....guaranteed! Unique stainless steel diamond cut non-stick blades Ergonomic sure grip handles for comfort and safety Reinforced blade shank for extra strength Dishwasher safe Includes: 6 steak knives Filet knife Utility knife Garnish knife Bread knife Chef's knife Cleaver Frozen food knife Cyclone kitchen shears Includes solid wood knife block SEE MORE KNIFE SETS ON WEBSITE: |
| Affordable Plumbing and Drain Cleaning (Evening appts. welcome) August 14, 2009 at 8:00 pm |
| AllPlumb Service Company is here for all your plumbing and drain cleaning needs! Stop paying $100+ an hour for a plumber! We offer evening appointments until 8pm under regular rates, so that means there is no need to change your schedule, let us work around it. Superior craftsmanship and professional service technicians is what you can expect from AllPlumb. Call Today: 937-789-0225 Email: 24 Hour Service Is Available. |
| Slitzer™ 8pc Steak Knife Set August 14, 2009 at 7:59 pm |
| Slitzer, a leading name in cutlery, has produced this set with all knives in this set featuring phenolic handles, full tang, and half-serrated blades. SEE MORE KNIFE SETS ON WEBSITE: |
| New Acupressure Therapy / Chinese Traditional Massage August 14, 2009 at 7:58 pm |
| New Chinese Acupressure Therapy office in West Sacramento now we offer Acupressure (simular to Acupunture without needles). Using the fingers on pressure points, for healthful, invigoration, simulation of body. We offer Acupressure half hour/ one hour/ 2+/ 3+, Foot Massage, Cupping, Gua Sha, Hot Stone For pains on scalp/ neck/ shoulder/ back, low back/ ankle/ foot sprain or strain. We help lack of sleep, body circulation. Body will... |
| 18/10 Stainless Steel Steel handles and knobs Polished 18/10 stainless-steel overlay finish Brushed stainless steel interior finish Hi Tempered Glass Lids with steam vent Encapsulated Base 18/10 stainless steel - non-reactive with foods, meaning flavors remain true Oven safe to 500 degrees Includes: 6QT Dutch oven w/glass lid 4QT Sauce pan w/glass lid 3QT Sauce pan w/glass lid 2QT Sauce pan w/glass lid 10" Skillet (fry pan) w/glass lid SEE MORE COOKWARE ON WEBSITE: |
| UNIVERSAL BAR CARRIER August 14, 2009 at 7:54 pm |
| AKC Pug Puppies August 14, 2009 at 7:54 pm |
| Beautiful AKC Registered pups, Males & Females, Black & Fawns - Champion Bloodlines, Vet Checked, Dewormed, 1st Shots - Mom and Dad on premises. 10 Weeks old and absolutely adorable! ($1000) |
| Francois party rentals August 14, 2009 at 7:54 pm |
| We have Bounce house, water slide, chairs, tables, popcorn machine and more for the best prices. We offer you great deals. If you want stuff for your party at a low price you have come to the right place. Please contact us at 772 361 4590, 772 924 4169 or 772 621 0478 or you can also email us at Thank you for choosing us (n/a) |
| Huge Studio Perfect Loft Available 1296 sq/ft August 14, 2009 at 7:54 pm |
| apartment 1725 W. 6th St. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Bedroom(s): 0 Bathroom(s): 1 RENT: $1350 Per Month Deposit Details: $1350 Lease Terms : 1 Year Square Feet: 1296 Year Built: 1960 Contact Alex @ 310-882-8157 for more details. Huge Studio/Loft located near the heart of downtown. This loft is 1296 Sq Ft. with clean carpeting. Loft/Studio comes furnished with stove and dishwasher. It has a huge walk-in closet and lots cabinet space in the kitchen. Fantanstic living area with its... ($1350) |
| Stainless Steel Oversized Skillet August 14, 2009 at 7:54 pm |
| For the meal that needs a bigger skillet than you own you need our stainless steel oversized skillet. This large 14" diameter skillet is 4-3/8" deep. Fit the stainless steel steamer inside and steam a bushel of vegetables. Skillet and steamer feature heavy-duty helper handles. Made of 304 surgical stainless steel. Lifetime warranty. SEE MORE COOKWARE ON WEBSITE: |
| Pinnacle Cookware Wok August 14, 2009 at 7:51 pm |
| For Asian cuisine or everyday favorites, you'll be sure to reach for this substantial wok! Deep sides make this the perfect pan for quick and easy crowd-sized cooking. Cleans up in a flash thanks to its non-stick finish. Steel/enamel with Teflon® interior. Heat insulated handle. Dishwasher safe. Measures: 11" diameter x 3 1/2" high SEE MORE COOKWARE ON WEBSITE: |
| 99 oldsmobile alero August 14, 2009 at 7:49 pm |
| good car great condition, drives good, cd player, power everything, sun roof/ 115k mileage{good}, $3,500/OBO ($3,500/obo) |
| CKC Toy-Mini Poodle (Little Boy) August 14, 2009 at 7:49 pm |
| I have a cute little cream CKC toy-mini poodle ready to go. Tail docked, declaws removed and all 3 sets of puppy shots given. $275.00 cash 770 899 7226 ($275.00) |
| Black mercedes 4 matic for August 14, 2009 at 7:49 pm |
| Black mercedez 2005,C320,tiptop condition. one owner driven car with all upgrades,navigation ,leather seat six cd player sun roof,etc. 4matic. ONLY 31000 miles. interested person PL> call 703 862-3713and ask for ROZA (call for p...) |
| CHEAP SUV-REPO August 14, 2009 at 7:49 pm |
| Big screen TV and/or Leather Sofabed August 14, 2009 at 7:49 pm |
| 52" rear projection Magnavox; hardly used. Minor kitty scratches on speaker. Moving. 78" tan leather sofabed (queen sized). Excellent condition. Available immediately. photos attached. (best offer) |
| BLACK N DECKER FINISHING SANDER August 14, 2009 at 7:49 pm |
| CHEAP HOME IN FORECLOSURE August 14, 2009 at 7:48 pm |
| 2004 Aluminum Magic Tilt Boat Trailer August 14, 2009 at 7:47 pm |
| Tandem Axle - Wench will haul up to 25' boat - good cndition ($1750.) |
| Multi-Baker, Roaster August 14, 2009 at 7:47 pm |
| This roaster goes from oven or stovetop to the table. The special 9 element 304 surgical stainless steel construction on the cover and base allows you to bake a roast on the stovetop to save energy and reduce heat build up in your kitchen. Measures 20" x 12" x 8". Goes from the oven or stovetop to the table to the refrigerator. Dishwasher safe. Lifetime warranty SEE MORE ON WEBSITE: |
| not only massage but also a feeling and happy time August 14, 2009 at 7:45 pm |
| we have nice girls and nice place pretty young chinese girls and chinses massage relax body and relax mood 9 times ( 9 hours ) 1 time ( 30 mins ) regular massage ( no sex no illegal ) 112 e walnut ave lompoc ca93436 905 736 6940 FEET massage and BODY massage best service to nice customers |
| CKC Mini Schnauzer (Female) Puppy August 14, 2009 at 7:43 pm |
| This beautiful CKC salt & Pepper female is ready to go. She has had 3 sets of puppy shots, declaws removed, tail docked and ears cropped. $450.00 770 899 7226 ($450.00) |
| BIG HEAVY GRILL GAURD August 14, 2009 at 7:42 pm |
| Photographer August 14, 2009 at 7:41 pm |
| Need great photos for Facebook? MySpace? Twitter? Need to update your family photos? New pet? Holiday Card? Let's make it happen! Photo Pricing Package A $50 includes 1 hour photoshoot and FIVE mind-blowing digital images on CD or flash drive. Choose from color or black and white. Includes private online gallery if you want to order more digital photos or prints. Package B $100 includes 2 hour photoshoot and TEN mind-blowing digital images on CD or flash drive. Choose from color or black... (n/a) |
| Maxam Double Sided Warming Dish August 14, 2009 at 7:40 pm |
| Includes two heat resistant 1.9qt glass dishes that fit side by side in the chrome metal frame with candleholders. Includes two 18/10 stainless steel lids for the glass dishes. Glass dishes are oven and microwave proof and dishwasher safe. Put together overall, size (including handles) is 17-1/2" x 12" and height is 6". Lifetime warranty. see more on website: | |  |
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