| First 5 pounds and a comment!! August 13, 2009 at 10:03 pm |
| So I just started my committed diet and exercise plan a few weeks ago. I started at 180.5 and this morning I was 175.5! I had hoped for it to take less than 3 weeks, BUT last week I was working a band camp (yes I'm a marching band geek) and we had to eat dining hall food so though we were active I'm sure I didn't lose any then. This morning when I walked past my boyfriend he asked me to turn to the side. I did and he said, "Wow! You can really tell that whatever you've been doing is working. You have less back fat!" Now though I highly doubt a 5 pound loss would really show in my back, it was sweet and made me feel good nonetheless. Here's to keeping it up! :-) |
| I Gardened! August 13, 2009 at 9:31 pm |
| I actually gardened instead of sitting on my behind all day after work! Got the entire front flower bed weeded and trimmed and got to hang out with my mom in the process! Hurray! |
| Let me just say... August 13, 2009 at 9:08 pm |
| that there is nothing better then fixing yourself a yummy dinner and knowing its within your allotted calories for the day! |
| Welcome Your Advice! August 13, 2009 at 8:51 pm |
| I am Ipren and had a duodenal switch weight loss surgery in April 2009. I have lost about 52 pounds since then. My goal is to be at 125 pounds and this means losing another 44 pounds. I was losing more pounds right after the surgery. Is this normal? Does anybody have some suggestions about what to eat and what not to eat because I want very much to reach my goal and I think that what I am eating may not be appropriate. For instance, some times I have one slice of multi-grain bread for breakfast, some fruits for lunch, and 2 tablespoons of rice with 2 ounces of salmon for dinner. I do have at least four cups of regular coffee with 3 splenda and 2 ounces of half and half per cup. When I feel like eating something, I would have a dozen of cashew. Unfortunately I am not exercising because I was told that I have to wait a year after the surgery. I could walk but have not been able too because I am recovering from foot surgery. Anyone has any advice for me? Thank you. Ipren |
| Yoga and strength training on consecutive days August 13, 2009 at 7:30 pm |
| So I took a Yoga class on Tuesday, it was about 90 minutes long and I am STILL in pain (mostly my abs) which makes me think that it might be a bad idea to do Yoga and weights on consecutive days. I had planned to do weights on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and Yoga on Tuesday and Thursday but now I'm not so sure. Has anyone else heard anything about this? I know you're supposed to let your muscles rest every other day, and I didn't know that Yoga was going to put so much strain on my muscles. BTW, I never did weights this Wednesday because my daughter was sick, and today I missed Yoga so I just did cardio. |
| Lost 18.6 pounds in 2.6 weeks ... Half way to getting my surgery August 13, 2009 at 7:28 pm |
| I was approved a while a back for surgery and blew it by gaining weight. They told me to lose 33 pounds and I cried like a baby cause it seemed impossible, I have NEVER lost more than 22 pounds at one time in my life, including starving myself and dieting for 4 months strait. Then they sent in a Physians Assistant who gave me a copy of the basic info for the South Beach Diet, it looked so simple so I said I woud try. She also prescribed a very low dose of Phentermine with the admonishment that if I started to feel manic I was to contact her and she would get me off of it. I have not felt manic, more like oddly in control of my self then before, a little more willing to stand up for myself, but I do keep watch. the 11th (I saw her on the 23rd) I weighed in their office and I had lost 18.6 pounds you could have knocked me over with a feather. I have enjoyed the food I have on South Beach and having to make just about everything from scratch slows me way down. The first 3 or 4 days were hard, i craved white rice so bad but now I am feeling great, even with a case of summer bronchitis I feel better over all, my nails are growing like crazy, my stomach has not been nearly as upset like it use to be and my arthritis is not hurting as bad. I am hesitant to start phase two (slowly adding fruit and whole grains daily) so i am sort of on phase 1.5 ...lol keeping the opption of the right fruits and grains open but avoiding them as much as possible and sticking to vegtables on my diet as much as I can. I have also learned to always eat a protein with each carb to prevent my sugar going out of whack and causing cravings. One thing I realize is I was not ready for surgery in lots of ways, now I am getting there, I hope to actually lose 50 pounds before they open me up, I would love to try to lose it all via diet but my knees dont have the time left to do a long term diet. I am learning to eat better, not think of food all the time and to feel more comfortable with the idea of surgery. |
| * * * * 200.5 * * * * August 13, 2009 at 6:59 pm |
| Oh boy... I got on the scale this morning and weighed 200.5... That is such a scary number for me...... I try not to let the scale run my life, I know better... but I do let it be my best friend when I'm losing... The number ruined about 8 hours of my day... which included a fattening lunch and some crankiness at work... and that's it ! I recovered a lot quicker this time.. and that's a big thing to me... I'm one of those people who says to myself.. "oh well, I'll get back on track tomorrow, next week, next month..." You know how that goes... I'm back on track tonight and its not a Monday or 1st of the month... and despite quitting smoking, despite some medical setbacks and physical setbacks I'm still pushing... It amazes me how little credit I give myself for these accomplishments.. Like getting back on plan...I would have handled things a lot differently a few months ago... I guess what I want to say: GIVE YOURSELF MORE CREDIT, make yourself aware of all the little things you do RIGHT !! I got used to zero-ing on everything I did wrong... this time I recognized what I did right !!!!!!!!! |
| MAJOR frustration August 13, 2009 at 6:54 pm |
| ok so, i started my diet in january of this year at 220 (im 5'7). for the first 20 lbs, i was losing a steady 2-3 lbs/week. after that, i was hovering about 1.5-2.5 lbs per week. ever since i hit about 188 its been RIDICULOUS. im on a lot of anti anxiety meds that cause weight gain so its been an uphill battle, but recently, im getting soooo frustrated. i totally stuck to my diet his week and lost nothing. not even 0.2 of a lb. im only averaging about 4 lb/ month. i knew this would happen eventually, but i thought it would be a lot further down the line when i got closer to my goal. its really frustrating to still be as big as i am and the weight is just BARELY dropping. ive tried changing up my routine, reducing calories, adding exercise, drinking more water, but the scale is just being completely stubborn for the past 2 months. at first i thought i had just hit a plateau and if i kept going it would pass, but TWO month is a looong time. at my size, should it be this slow? i figured when i got down to like 160 it would drop off significantly in speed, but im now at 180.8 which is still very overweight for my height. any advice? so much work with no results is just depressing!! |
| New Here August 13, 2009 at 6:30 pm |
| Hello all I am new here actually just stumbled onto the site by doing a google search. I started two weeks ago and have lost seven pounds already. I am a single mom and want to get back to the size I was a lonnggg time ago. |
| i eat my feelings. i have a lot of feelings. August 13, 2009 at 5:56 pm |
| ok so i'm on day 2 of the south beach diet and not being able to eat breads or sweets on a day like today (the thursday from hell), i am really realizing why i'm overweight. i really do emotionally eat. i can't stop thinking about all the foods i WOULD be eating if i hadn't started this diet right now. i know the cravings will pass and i'll feel awesome for conquering them, but right now all i can think about is cookies and pudding and bad-for-me foods. what do YOU do when you get the "i need to eat my feelings" feeling?! |
| Nivea Lotions August 13, 2009 at 5:45 pm |
| Has anyone tried any of those nivea lotions? I know there is a Skin Firming one with Q10 complex or something like that...and there is that Goodbye Cellulite one. There are other ones too...and I was wondering if anyone knew if they actually worked. :dizzy: |
| Any tips for getting boiled eggs to peal? August 13, 2009 at 5:24 pm |
| I sometimes boil fresh farm eggs and they NEVER peel easily and I end up wasting half the egg....:tantrum: I also boil store bought eggs and they RARELY peel easily.:mad: What is the trick to this? Somebody has got to know!!!:?: |
| New on This Forum August 13, 2009 at 5:22 pm |
| I am Ipren and had a duodenal switch weight loss surgery in April 2009. I have lost about 52 pounds since then. My goal is to be at 125 pounds and this means losing another 44 pounds. I was losing more pounds right after the surgery. Is this normal? Does anybody have some suggestions about what to eat and what not to eat because I want very much to reach my goal and I think that what I am eating may not be appropriate. For instance, some times I have one slice of multi-grain bread for breakfast, some fruits for lunch, and 2 tablespoons of rice with 2 ounces of salmon for dinner. I do have at least four cups of regular coffee with 3 splenda and 2 ounces of half and half per cup. When I feel like eating something, I would have a dozen of cashew. Unfortunately I am not exercising because I was told that I have to wait a year after the surgery. I could walk but have not been able too because I am recovering from foot surgery. Anyone has any advice for me? Thank you. Ipren |
| WW Newbie August 13, 2009 at 5:00 pm |
| Hey everyone, I just joined weight watchers online this week. I previously lost weight and used 3FC for support and am glad to be back! I have never done weight watchers before, but it just seems to make sense to me. The only way I have ever been truly successful losing weight is watching what I eat, calorie wise and exercise. Weight watchers seems to fit that exactly. So I just wanted to say hello to everyone and see if anyone has any tips or suggestions for getting started on the program. |
| Soda..pop..whatever you call it August 13, 2009 at 4:57 pm |
| So, I went to WI today and as they were looking over my food log, she noticed that I drank 6 oz of Diet Sierra Mist (mixed it in the blender with ice and a clear to make a yummy drink.) Well I guess we are only suppose to use sodium free soda. Are there any brands out there that do not contain sodium? The only one I could find was Diet Rite. :?: |
| Sugar in my coffee August 13, 2009 at 4:12 pm |
| I like my coffee SWEET and I MUST have my coffee. I use around 4-5 tablespoons of sugar a morning. (I drink a whole pot). This is the one thing I have not been able to give up. I have my box of Spenda in the cupboard, but I have yet to open it. So. Go ahead and let me have it. Tell me WHY I must give up my morning sugar. I know many of you know the science behind sugar and many of you have given it up. Inspire me to have a sugar-free coffee tomorrow please! ;) |
| Lots of nifty numbers August 13, 2009 at 3:59 pm |
| This is exciting news. This morning I did a fitness and body fat assessment at my campus gym, and the results are thusly: I weighed in at 222. My body fat is 36.74 percent, which places me in the 10th percentile. However, the woman who did the assessment said that based on my body composition, 190 would be a very good weight for me, and 180 would actually be a bit low. Which means that I only need to lose 30 pounds! Other: my cardiovascular ability puts me in the 50th percentile, I'm very good (but room for improvement) for push ups and ab crunches, and my flexibility puts me in the 95th percentile. I should be a dancer.... All in all, results are consistent with somebody who's been working out to lose weight, but still has a ways to go. And she confirmed my suspicion that walking long distances actually burns more fat than bicycling, because you're using more of your body. In other news, she told me to keep a food diary for a week, because she suspects that I'm not eating enough and I'm not getting enough protein. We shall see if my sometimes constant hunger should be listened to more. |
| Grrrrr....dinner's messed up! August 13, 2009 at 3:37 pm |
| Don't you just hate it when you mess up dinner? In an effort to keep the house cool, I put together a meatloaf to cook in the slow cooker while at lunch today. I've made it this way before and used the identical recipe I used last time, when my husband LOVED it and it turned out perfectly. Well. Just went home to check on it. The "loaf" part isn't working...it's not holding together. I've currently got a bunch of broken up meat just sitting in its own fat in the slow cooker. (I'm pretty sure I had extra lean beef last time...this time it was labeled lean but OBVIOUSLY isn't). Likely won't be edible. Looks like an out to dinner night, since the cabinets are otherwise entirely bare of any protein and I don't have time to grocery shop and cook something else between the time I get off at 5 pm a meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. It's been one of those days! |
| My 1st Ten Pounds :) August 13, 2009 at 3:08 pm |
| I LOST 10 LBS in about one month's time. :D I am happy with my results because the past month has been very difficult for me... more emotionally difficult than anything else, since I struggle with my appearance almost constantly. Although, my 1200 calorie diet has been proving more and more easy with each day, and I have a steady exercise routine of 40-60 minutes of elliptical, or an hour long power-walk each day. However, I am wondering if you think my weight loss was too slow for my first month...? I have seen a lot of other results with way more than a 10 lb loss in their first month when they are beginning in the upper 200's... Also... I have been having trouble managing late-night munchies. I would love to learn some ways to control them! They are my biggest downfall. :dizzy: THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR INSPIRATION, SUPPORT AND ADVICE IN MY FIRST MONTH! |
| With tears in my eyes... August 13, 2009 at 2:17 pm |
| With tears in my eyes I continued to eat my take out spagetti. Maybe this is a new beginning. If I cry when I know I'm eating food I shouldn't be eating. I have gained back 17 LBS from the lowest weight this year. I need to get a hold of this before it gets worse. I guess one of the things causing this besides overeating bad foods, is I will be going for a two week vacation in September and it's freaking me out. Last one week vacation I gained about 5 1/2 LBS. I can control what I eat but can't always control what foods we will have. I can take some foods. But will be out of town and not be able to run into town alot for other foods. That will be for the 1st week and the 2nd week we will be traveling, so I can control the food a little better. |
| Best cookbooks? August 13, 2009 at 2:15 pm |
| I love to cook and I always find myself wanting to make new things, what do you guys suggest as a good healthy eating cookbook that doesn't require a whole lot of pre shopping to make it? |
| Single-serving packets of stuff August 13, 2009 at 2:13 pm |
| You may all already know about this website, but I was just doing some shopping over there and I wanted to pass the site along to those of you who might not have heard about it. http://www.minimus.biz That have ALL sorts of single serve stuff. I love them for lite salad dressings that I can keep in my purse, little packets of olive oil and balsamic, and mini travel sizes of contact lens solution. (They have a TON of toiletries and WAY more food stuff than what I just mentioned...) Anyway, all of you guys looking for portion-controlled stuff for cheap should head on over. Shipping is free if you spend at least $20. |
| Well I guess I'm a "newbie" ;) August 13, 2009 at 2:13 pm |
| A little about me? Well, I'm 16 and I've never really thought of myself as "fat" or "overweight"; I don't guess I really do now either. However, I never thought as myself as skinny, but in these past couple of years I've noticed how "skinny" I really kinda used to be. You see, I used to take dance classes at a local studio. I took them from about 3 or 4 all the way until 7th grade. I stopped not only because the studio was closed down, but because I became a drill team captain for my middle school's drill team. After drill team, I was still in P.E. so I didn't notice a change until the summer before freshman year. I noticed that I really didn't wear the same sizes I used to. Slowly, I started to notice that my stomach "pooches" out more than it did and I feel like my thighs (which, I've never been a fan of) are bigger, and I'm just not as confident as I used to be. I know a lot of it is because I'm not doing physical activities weekly like I used to be. I've got my P.E. credits so I don't want to be in gym anymore at school, we didn't do anything in there anyway; really, we sat. So, I guess my point is that I'm wanting to get heathy and lose flab and not feel self concious anymore, I'm tired of it! I saw an old thread (when I searched it on Google) about the Skinny Switch Secret or whatever? That (like everyone else said in the thread) intrigued me. It seemed like a believable concept that seems like it could work. My question is: is there anyway I could possibly do the same concept at home (I understand a good amount of work invovled) with out having to pay for the membership? I know I can get meal plans off the internet and stuff, but I want to use the same method as that program does, the "load up" and "lean out" or whatever. If this method really does work like it seems like it could/I've heard it does. Help? haha, thanks for reading, I know it's as long as a novel ;) |
| Am I eating enough?? August 13, 2009 at 2:11 pm |
| I've been calorie counting throughout my weight loss (10 months now) so it isn't new to me. But recently, I started running again (used to be a running freak in high school and a little after...before I got fat)...5 miles every other day. I'm actually training for a half marathon in Feb. Anyway, since then my weight has kind of stalled. I've only lost about 8 lbs since May. I'm thinking it might be because I upped the excerise drastically (I run every other day and do pilates on the off running days) but didn't change my calorie intake. I'm eating about 9,450 calories a week (averaging 1,350 per day...but I cycle my calories). Does this sound like enough, since I'm burning about 2,370 to 2,040 calories per week through my excercise? I'm aiming to lose about 1.5 lbs per week. Any advice would be great. Thanks! |
| Les Paul Dies August 13, 2009 at 2:02 pm |
| Guitar legend-inventor Les Paul dies at age 94 RIP Les!! :(  |
| Anyone Need 42 Dd August 13, 2009 at 1:48 pm |
| Are you treated differently if you lose/gain weight? August 13, 2009 at 1:44 pm |
| I definitely see a stark difference in how im treated now (sw-189-cw-175-gw-110) than how I was treated at 110-120 during my teens and early 20's....people seem less friendly and helpful when your bigger.....anyone else experienced this??:?: |
| Did everything right and still had a crappy weigh in August 13, 2009 at 1:38 pm |
| I'm sitting here at my desk after WW weigh in trying, unsuccessfully, to hold back the tears. I ate within my points EVERY DAY. I worked out at a high level of intensity EVERY DAY! and I'm up 1.8 lbs. I'm noticing the difference in how my face looks and how my pants feel (they are looser), but I'm going up on the scale. I want to get to 199 by Christmas and I just wish the scale would reflect all the positive changes I'm making and all my hard work! My WW leader said it's just muscles retaining water from all the exercise, but dang it! I expected a 1 to 2 lb loss because of all my hard work not a nearly 2 lb gain! Heck, I'm staying within my points and exercising so much, I've been having low blood sugar episodes the past couple days...so how am I supposed to eat less and exercise more to get the scale to move in the right direction?! I don't know why I give a stupid piece of electronic equipment so much power to allow it to bring me close to tears. Thanks for listening to my rant. I'm sure I'll be my usual upbeat cheery self by tomorrow...or maybe even later today. But right now, I'm frustrated and :censored: p**sed off! Any thoughts, suggestions, advice are greatly appreciated. |
| bras, oh how i love them.....now August 13, 2009 at 1:35 pm |
| So there's this common misconception that as you gain weight you will have bigger "everything" if you know what I mean. Well that obviously never met me, and I have been cursed with small to middle ground B's for all eternity. (or if i'm anything like my mother, they'll go up a size when I have a child and stay there....*fingers crossed*) That's where the hard part comes in. It was sooo hard to find a "42 B" or at least one that wasn't disgustingly ugly. Bleh. I recently met a boy and not wanting to be caught with my pants down wearing hello kitty again, I went shopping. Imagine my happiness when I found two cute push up bras~! I'm in love.. And the size? 34 C~!!! I got a lepord print and a pink polka dot one. I think I'm gonna wear push ups till I die. XD |
| Am I eating enough?? August 13, 2009 at 1:34 pm |
| I've been calorie counting throughout my weight loss (10 months now) so it isn't new to me. But recently, I started running again (used to be a running freak in high school and a little after...before I got fat)...5 miles every other day. I'm actually training for a half marathon in Feb. Anyway, since then my weight has kind of stalled. I've only lost about 8 lbs since May. I'm thinking it might be because I upped the excerise drastically (I run every other day and do pilates on the off running days) but didn't change my calorie intake. I'm eating about 9,450 calories a week (averaging 1,350 per day...but I cycle my calories). Does this sound like enough, since I'm burning about 2,370 to 2,040 calories per week through my excercise? I'm aiming to lose about 1.5 lbs per week. Any advice would be great. Thanks! |
| Encouragement for the Half-hearted August 13, 2009 at 1:26 pm |
| If you are like me and just about perish at the thought of doing 40 or 45 minutes of exercise several times a week when life gets hectic ... read this. Oxygen Mag Sept 2009 quoted from Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise .... 11 minutes of daily resistance exercise three days a week ... significantly improves resting metabolic rate. I found this a truly inspirational little nugget for several different reasons. If you don't have time today ... you certainly have 10 or 12 minutes somewhere. If you do no exercise now ... 11 minutes doesn't seem so bad. If 11 minutes is a significant improvement, what's 20 minutes going to do for you. You don't need much (if any) equipment. I am really excited and encouraged by this article. |
| Quelling the Cookie Monster August 13, 2009 at 1:19 pm |
| Hi I'm Kierie. I'm Blue, Furry, I have googly eyes a theme song and a never ending lust for sugar SUGAR!! I've been vainly and pathetically I might add attempting SBD Defcon 1 & 2 all summer to no avail. So I'm kicking it old school waaaaaaay (ok not so far back) back to 2002 when I made Friends with Dr Atkins. With a few WLS tweaks. I can't do High fat Cheese or I dump like Crazy or whatever it is when you react badly to fat Same goes for butter and full fat mayo. I can moderately do butter. Real Mayo gives me to foamies even now! Please excuse me your egg/tuna/chicken salad is great disregard me salivating into a napkin. I'm not really hurling you only think I am! I'm either going to replace the milk in my coffee with Protein powder or just say blank it and have a smidge of milk Today's day 1 Eggs Cheese Meat and salad But for the grace of Turkey Pepperoni go I. I'm losin this Blue Fur Dammit!:carrot: |
| The Atheist and the Bear August 13, 2009 at 1:09 pm |
| I received this text message and thought I'd post it here to share with ya'll. There is this atheist going bear hunting. And suddenly this bear started to chase this atheist down. Then the atheist cried, "Lord please turn the bear into a Christian!!!" The bear then stopped and put his head down and prayed to the Lord saying, "Thank you Lord for this meal that I'm about to receive." :lol: |
| New to this forum -- saying hi :) August 13, 2009 at 1:07 pm |
| Hi all! I've been lurking this forum for a few days now and finally decided to register and join in. You all seem like a great, supportive bunch! I'm 22 years old and currently in college studying interior design. I live with my dad and my sister and pretty much everyone is always on the go, we don't cook a lot and so I am trying to get into it. I started last week at 340 lbs and I am currently at 335, so off to a good start. I am doing WW at home (can't afford meetings right now but i love the points system), and I have started walking a mile a day. Slowly but surely right? Anyway, I just wanted to drop a hello while I was browsing around, and good luck to everyone on their goals! :hug: |
| Just saw a great billboard August 13, 2009 at 12:58 pm |
| I was walking to the grocery store to buy some produce (yay!) and I saw a perfect billboard and I just had to share. "5 out of 5 doctors recommend healthy eating", then it said something about fruits and veggies. Lol! I think that this is so simple yet so clever! |
| Personal Training today August 13, 2009 at 12:35 pm |
| And it was great! Wish I could afford to do that 4 days/week LOL. I've been going once a week but with Metabolic it's just too expensive. I think when I'm done w/Metabolic maybe I'll start again. But it was AWESOME! LOVE IT! So my excersise is done for today! YIPEEEE! |
| Feeling discouraged until I realized August 13, 2009 at 12:32 pm |
| I am relatively new to posting in this particular group although I frequently follow what is happening here. I have almost 100 pounds to lose to reach my first goal of 175 pounds. I was at that weight when I was in high school and feely and looked great. I will re-evaluate things once I get there and decide then if that is my final goal or if I want to lose a bit more I am slowly losing weight by keeping track of what I eat and trying to get more exercise. I weigh myself every day and use my Sunday morning weigh in as my official loss record. I was getting discouraged since I am now only losing a small amount each week (sometimes only 0.2 pounds in a week). But I looked back over the past many Sunday weight recordings and found that I have lost something each and every week since the end of March!!! :carrot: That makes 19 consecutive weeks with a loss (with the exception of one weekend away where I did not have a scale on Sunday and posted no change from the previous week on the Monday morning when I returned). Since then I have lost nearly 20 pounds :D I do however need to work a bit harder and get the exercise going again. I am impatient with less than a half pound a week but I will take it as long as I keep moving down all the time. I was unable to exercise much for the past while as I had abdominal surgery six weeks ago (the dr just cleared me of all restrictions the other day) and now I am able to get back onto the exercise routine - that should help speed up the loss some! I plan to hang around here more and be encouraged by all that I read here. |
| Purple Menu Plan August 13, 2009 at 12:18 pm |
| Well, I had been doing great on LA until they closed and since then I have tried doing it on my own but have put a little of the weight back on and I am actually not sure what plan I am supposed to be following now. The worst part is that when I moved awhile back I lost my menu guide thingy and most of the info for the plans! I am 197lbs Goal weight: 145lbs Is anyone else around the same weight?? What plan are you using?? |
| is South Beach a low carb diet August 13, 2009 at 11:57 am |
| I have been diagnosed by my Dr. as having Lymes disease. A blood test has shown this. I have been sick for over 20 yrs. with numbness, etc. The Dr. said low carb diet is best to be on. Is South Beach diet a low carb diet? Thanks; of course if any or you have had Lymes Desease I would love to hear your story. |
| One Year Ago Today August 13, 2009 at 11:24 am |
| One year ago today, August 13, 2008, at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, my BFF called to tell me she and her fiancĂ© had set a date…November. She asked me to be her maid of honor. She was my BFF, truly a sister to me, we just don't happen to be blood-related in this lifetime. I had to say yes, of course. In 2003, my always-iffy marriage had gotten really rocky. My intuition kept telling me something was really wrong. I'd lost 100 or so lbs on Atkins 1999-2000, kept it off, and January 2003 went back on induction trying to lose more. I lost about 50 lbs in about 3 months, down to the high 180s, a solid 14/16. My intuition was correct, the weight loss didn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things, and he demanded a divorce the same day I was laid off at work, Tuesday, April 1, 2003. Yes, I see the irony… :o) I tried to hold it together but had a nervous breakdown about six weeks later and went off Atkins with a vengeance. Late 2003 is a blur, I was drinking and abusing prescription drugs, and eating with abandon. The next thing I knew, it was Christmas 2003 and I had to borrow a size 26 outfit from my sister to have something to wear to church. It was tight. By the time I got a crappy part-time job Spring 2004, my largest clothes left-over from 1999 were too small—I didn't know what size I was, since I only wore stretchy sweatpants, but I couldn't fit into size 28 Lane Bryant jeans. By 2007, when I tried to buy an interview suit, I found out I was a 30 top, 32 bottom, too fat to shop at Lane Bryant (it was for skinny chicks!), Catherine's or Coldwater Creek only. It's so easy to buy an interview suit when you wear a size 32, you know. From mid-2003 until early 2007, I was a depressed, overeating, lazy, sloppy, alcoholic—heavy smoker and Paxil abuser—who only left the house to go to my crappy part-time job. In early 2007 I was fired from that job (should have been fired already, don't know why it took them so long as I was often tipsy at work) and had to find another job. With a surprisingly generous severance package, I took the time to decide what I really wanted to do…and I changed fields entirely. I lucked into a great job that I immediately loved, and am really good at. I started having to wear real clothes, and leave the house every day. I was still eating uncontrollably, well, not tons of food but uncontrolled carbs…I quit drinking mid 2007. And I started a lot of deep soul-searching. By early 2008, I finally realized it wasn't my fault that my marriage ended…we should have never married in the first place. I had no self-esteem…part of that was my feelings of inadequacy growing up with an extremely beautiful mother and sister, and not believing that I too was beautiful. This led to me marrying my HS sweetheart, who didn't treat me like I deserved to be treated, leading to even lower self-esteem. A year of deep soul-searching brought a lot of things to light, and I finally made a giant mental breakthrough. I finally, at the age of 38, started learning to love myself. I never had before. As I began to get mentally healthier, I began to wake up to how unhealthy my lifestyle was. I didn't know how much I weighed (+/- 370) but I did know that I was too fat to shop at Lane Bryant, I could barely go up and down stairs, and I would often make myself run late to work so I'd have a "legitimate" excuse to drive in and pay $15 to park in the garage rather than taking Metro—the three-block walk almost killed me. Oh and I was smoking 1 ½ packs a day, as I had since I was 16 (started smoking age 12). As I began to feel more and more worthy, I began to consider either weight-loss surgery, or getting back on Atkins. I began to really want to lose the weight. Well, I'd always wanted to lose weight of course, but for 4-5 years it had seemed like a pipedream—I couldn't tap into the energy I'd used in 1999, then 2003, to successfully lose weight. It seemed impossible. I hadn't even considered being in any kind of relationship since mid-2004, that didn't seem possible either. Who would want to date a frumpy, semi-depressed, middle-aged, semi-alcoholic 400ish lb woman who didn't even own a pair of jeans, much less any cute clothes—and who hadn't put on makeup or even gotten a haircut in like three years? I felt like, and if pushed, would have described myself as, an ugly monster. By mid 2008, I was getting closer to being ready to lose weight. But I needed a push. My BFF called me 8/13/2008…that was my catalyst to launch. I did NOT want to stand up in the front of that chapel in November wearing a horrendous size 32 tent! I found my Atkins book and re-read it, cover-to-cover. Hit the grocery store, got everything I needed, told my housemate anything in the kitchen with carbs was hers. Started right then, that afternoon, not the "next day." I figured, if it didn't work, then I'd investigate surgery, but Atkins had worked before, I hoped it would again. I was oddly excited, and somehow I knew from the first moment, I would succeed. This feeling was unlike anything else I'd ever experienced…I just knew. I was in a state of calm, determined, quiet joy. From the very first second, a mental image formed of me at a normal, healthy weight…I held onto that image, and knew I was going to bring it into reality. No doubts, no fears. I absolutely knew I would do it. There were no big ups and downs…quiet determined joy is the best way I can describe it, although I don't really have the words to describe my mental state. I bought a scale the next day, a cheap crappy one, and weighed in at 360. Later I bought a good scale that weighed me 10 lbs heavier, so I changed my starting weight to 370. That is almost 400 lbs, folks. BMI 56.3, well over super morbidly obese (BMI 50). Way over. Headed towards being handicapped, housebound, early death. I didn't fly home to see my family Christmas 2007, I was so fat I was embarrassed and honestly afraid to fly. When I started this, I hadn't seen my family since 2006, because I was so fat. I hadn't been living any kind of a life since 2003, because I was so fat. I was barely existing, that was all. I lost 20.5 lbs the first two weeks on Atkins. At that point, I went down into my basement and started going through all my old, cute, small clothes from when I wore a 14/16. I was still in a 32, but they were getting looser. There were a lot of tears that afternoon, remembering back on how great I'd looked, and how depressed and horrible I'd felt, wearing those clothes. And they all looked so tiny. When I'd worn those, I could probably have gotten both legs into one leg of the horrible stretchy pants I had in a size 32. But I took the time to unfold, wash, and gently hang up all those beautiful 14s and 16s, to serve as inspiration. I fit into size 26 jeans 5 weeks later. I fit into a nice size 24 outfit for the wedding, 11/15. I could squeeze into 22s at Christmas. I wore my first pair of 20s in March/April. 18s in May. Then into a pair of 16s on the fourth of July…with many other changes in between. My weight-loss ticker doesn't move very often, but I am super fortunate in that, I am shockingly heavy for my size. Who is 5'8, weighs 250, has a 36" waist and wears a 16? I think I'm possibly the only freak that does…it's not a bad problem to have. I bought a pair of 14 misses jeans at Costco last month. I haven't worn a 14 misses (well, I could squeeze into a 14W at my previous low weight) since fifth grade. And if all goes according to plan, those 14 jeans should fit sometime this fall. Here are some other "firsts" this weight-loss journey has led to: -I quit smoking in October, a 27-year habit -I got a haircut in November, first one 4 years -I bought a pair of sandals in 2009, first cute non-frumpy non-old lady shoes I bought in 6 years -I started wearing makeup again in 2008, first time in 4 years -I had the energy to clean and organize my house in January 2009, first time it had been in normal non-squalorous condition since the divorce, 5 ½ years earlier -I joined a gym in March, and went 6 days a week for 3 straight months, until I began walking my commute instead (I need cardio more than weights right now) -I began WALKING part of my commute in June, mornings too…I have NEVER exercised in the morning, EVER. I drove, bussed or metroed my commute for the last 10 years…now I walk 3 miles a day, 5 days a week. -I got my first manicure in June…never had one before, never thought I deserved one—that was for beautiful women, not monsters like me…guess what, it was fun and looked great. I've had several more since. -I uploaded current, full-body photos to Facebook and tagged myself into them. People I went to high school with, whom I haven't seen since the 80s, can see me. And I look OK, hell, in some of them I even look great. One girl in my senior class sent me a personal message telling me how unfair it is that I look so young and asking me my youthful secret…LOL. -I only have two pair of jeans, very small 16s, from the old clothes in my basement that don't fit yet—and they are close to fitting. I remember how tiny they looked when I held them up in front of me, back in September 2008 as I was washing/sorting them. Like the Holy Grail of clothes. -I went on a DATE Friday night. A DATE. It isn't going to go anywhere, there's no chemistry, but that was my first real date since 2003. And he told me like four times that I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever been out with, and thanked me for going out with him…it was surreal. I didn't do anything special. I haven't done anything painful. I just made the mental journey first…then the physical journey followed. Yeah there have been a few glitches, but when I screw up, I forgive myself and move on. This is not a diet, there will be no "end." It is a permanent lifestyle change. And I deserve it. Sometimes I wish I'd been able to make the mental journey, start this lifestyle change, earlier than I did…but I truly think The Universe has a plan for each of us, and the timing of this has a purpose which I don't yet understand. I truly believe this. This is a permanent change. I will get to 199 lbs eventually, then reassess. That may be good enough…or it may not. My BFF told me recently, "DC, as good as you look at 250 lbs, you are going to be a flaming knockout at 200 lbs." Wow, 40 years old, formerly a monster, now OK/pretty good, and soon to be a flaming knockout. I'll take that. :) I do know this is a permanent lifestyle change; I will not gain the weight back this time. Everything is different. I've lost 120 lbs in a year…mathematically that looks like 2.3 lbs per week, a nice steady healthy loss. That's not how it worked for me: 60 lbs the first 3 months, 30 lbs the next 3 months, then 5 lbs here and there…with a 3-month stall thrown in there for good measure. I don't expect to see regular weight loss, I've yo-yo'd too many times for that. I just gratefully accept whatever the scale says and keep plodding and plugging away. And it would have been A LOT harder without this board, on which I have many many dear friends, most particularly CFMama and RockinRobin…and many, many others who have inspired, and continue to inspire me…I love you all. And, if I can do it…anyone can. Anyone. I'm nothing special…anyone can do this. Just commit, make the mental journey, do it. Anyone can do it. It's impossible right, no one can lose 120 lbs in a year—or, if not 120 lbs, then 32% of their entire body. Yes they can. I did it, anyone can. You can. Anyone can. |
| Why Exercise Won't Make you thin August 13, 2009 at 9:33 am |
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| Body improvements - hands and wrists August 13, 2009 at 8:50 am |
| I have lost a lot of weight but still have so much more to lose. When I look in the mirror, I can see the improvement now but I still have so much fat. It helps me to focus on the positive changes instead of on the fat that is still there. Anyway, for the positive, I love the way my hands and wrists have changed. I have gone down at least 2 ring sizes in each hand. I had to quit wearing my wedding rings because I am afraid that I will lose them. I bought an inexpensive band to wear because I don't want to resize my diamond ring until I have hit goal. My hands and wrists flow together well now. I loved losing that little bump where my wrists met my hands. Well, at least it is almost gone and I look forward to it being completely gone. I wear bracelets now just because I can! :dizzy: They also help me stay on program. When I am tempted to eat something that does not work for me, I look down at my hands and wrist to remind myself that this is really working. We don't have to wait until we hit goal to enjoy our body changes. Little changes count! What changes to your body do you enjoy? |
| Bento Boxes? August 13, 2009 at 8:16 am |
| I have a new love. Bento Boxes... anyone using them? |
| Anyone else ever feel like this in the middle of the night or morning? August 13, 2009 at 8:15 am |
| I've been feeling sort of strange the past couple days. I normally don't eat breakfast until I get in to work (I bring a whole wheat english muffin with reduced fat PB and about 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese). Yesterday, I started feeling a little hungry when I left the house and by the time I got to work (1/2 hour later), I was dizzy and nauseous and feeling like I was going to be sick even though there wasn't anything in my stomach. Then last night, I got up at about 1:30 am to let the dogs out and got that same dizzy, nauseous feeling again (no I'm NOT preggers). I thought it might be blood sugar, so I ate an english muffin with PB, and that seemed to help...but then I felt like that again when I got up to go to work...so I ate part of my breakfast at home. I think I'm gonna dig out my blood sugar test kit - if I can find it - and test my sugar when this happens. Last year, I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, but after improving my eating habits and adding regular exercise, my blood sugar has been in the normal range. Maybe all the exercise this week (every day for around an hour - more time and more intensity than usual) is causing my body to use the insulin more efficiently than it's used to thereby lowering my blood sugar almost too much. Or maybe I'm not eating late enough at night. I usually have a snack at about 7 or 7:30, and that's it for the night. Is that enough fuel until morning? I am balancing carbs and proteins to avoid blood sugar spikes and crashes. Anyone have any ideas? Has this happened to any of you? |
| Anyone else ever feel like this in the middle of the night or morning? August 13, 2009 at 8:12 am |
| I've been feeling sort of funny the past couple days. I normally don't eat breakfast until I get in to work (I bring an whole wheat english muffin with reduced fat PB and about 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese). Yesterday, I started feeling a little hungry when I left the house and by the time I got to work (1/2 hour later), I was dizzy and nauseous and feeling like I was going to be sick even though there wasn't anything in my stomach. Then last night, I got up at about 1:30 am to let the dogs out and got that same dizzy, nauseous feeling again (no I'm NOT preggers). I thought it might be blood sugar, so I ate an english muffin with PB, and that seemed to help...but then I felt like that again when I got up to go to work...so I ate part of my breakfast at home. I think I'm gonna dig out my blood sugar test kit - if I can find it - and test my sugar when this happens. Last year, I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, but after improving my eating habits and adding regular exercise, my blood sugar has been in the normal range. Maybe all the exercise this week (every day for around an hour - more time and more intensity than usual) is causing my body to use the insulin more efficiently than it's used to thereby lowering my blood sugar almost too much. Or maybe I'm not eating late enough at night. I usually have a snack at about 7 or 7:30, and that's it for the night. Is that enough fuel until morning? I am balancing carbs and proteins to avoid blood sugar spikes and crashes. Anyone have any ideas? Has this happened to any of you? |
| Supporting Each Other on our Weight Loss Journey! August 13, 2009 at 7:43 am |
| This is a great thread for those who want support, helpful hints, friendship and a great bunch of people to communicate with. This thread has existed for a long time and we keep re-starting it whenever the old one gets too long. Feel free to stop in and chat, we are not a "closed" group and welcome newcomers. Some of us have been together for well over a year, some only a few days, but we care about each other. We offer tips, we share, we pick each other up of the floor when we've had rough times and we applaud when someone does well. So, please do stop on by and share a bit, support is what it's all about! We can really do this together. :hug: |
| Just goes to show you... August 13, 2009 at 7:39 am |
| I had a gain last week because of an unplanned out-of-town trip, but I jumped right back on the wagon. This morning, not only had I lost the 2 lbs. I gained last week, but I lost another lb., too! If I hadn't have jumped right back in, I'd be up again this week. As it stands, I'm only 9 lbs. from my end-of-the-year goal! 9 lbs.! (It's a little scary, actually! :lol: ) |
| New to Sonoma August 13, 2009 at 6:19 am |
| Hi everyone - I'm new here and new to Sonoma - so far so good! I've struggled with my weight the past 5 years or so (what's with turning 40?!!) and had good success with Atkins, but something in the back of my head always felt that it was way too much fat to be consuming. I've also had some success with the GI Diet and liked the whole grains. I feel like Sonoma is a good combination of the two - low carb, but with grains as well. It's a lot of cooking, but I love cooking, so it's enjoyable for me. It's all about having a plan! 5 pounds in 5 days for me - so I'm thrilled with the results. I felt a little rough from days 2-4 (aching muscles, headache) but I feel great now! |
| Swiss Chard and Mushroom Squares August 13, 2009 at 5:59 am |
| I can't remember where I got this but I've tweaked it a little. The original recipe boiled the chard but that seemed like a waste of nutrients so I just sautee mine. I've made this without mushrooms, with other cheeses, and with whatever herbs I fancy at the moment. It would make a great breakfast entree too. * Exported from MasterCook * Swiss Chard and Mushroom Squares Serving Size : 4 Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 1 bunch swiss chard -- stems cut out and cut into thin ribbons and then chopped (can also use other greens) 1 pinch salt 1 pinch red pepper flakes 1 small onion -- diced small 2 cloves garlic -- finely minced 1/2 lb mushrooms -- Baby Bella preferred, diced into small pieces 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 tsp. soy sauce 1/2 cup Swiss cheese, lowfat 1/4 cup Panko Whole Wheat bread crumbs 4 eggs Preheat oven or toaster oven to 350 F. Cut away center ribs from chard. Cut chard into thin ribbons, then chop coarsely. Wash chard in salad spinner or colander. Lightly saute chard and pepper flakes in pan. Allow any liquid to drain while preparing the rest of the recipe. Heat olive oil in heavy frying pan. Saute onions over medium heat about 3 minutes; add garlic and saute 2 minutes more. Add mushrooms and soy sauce and saute 5-7 minutes, or until mushrooms are softened and liquid is evaporated. Squeeze water from drained chard and place into large plastic bowl. Add mushroom mixture, grated cheese, Panko crumbs, beaten eggs, and mix together. Spray 9 X 9 inch glass or crockery casserole dish with olive oil or non-stick spray. Pour in egg mixture. Bake 20-25 minutes, until firmly set but not hard, and slightly browned. Let cool slightly, then cut into squares. Serve hot or at room temperature. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 200 Calories; 9g Fat (40.3% calories from fat); 13g Protein; 17g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; 192mg Cholesterol; 198mg Sodium. Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 1 1/2 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 1 Fat. |
| What a TOTALLY crappy day... August 13, 2009 at 5:29 am |
| Yesterday was my birthday... it was great... but today (well tomorrow now, I guess, it IS 4am) just thoroughly SUCKED. I mean... it was like one of those days that you just wish you could go back to sleep and wake up and it didn't happen, you know? And this time, it had absolutely nothing to do with body issues, etc. Sorry I'm venting on here about it, but god it was horrible! So I woke up at 6 this morning to my grandma asking me why my car wasn't in the driveway. I was like Huh??? First thought was that my teenage brother that lives with me got a wild burr up his butt and took the car for some odd late night gas station run for junk food (it's happened, though never in the middle of the night). But then I noticed my KEYS (and there's only 1 set) sitting at the end of my bed. I called the police.... and reposession. I was like Oh my god, what the...?! I make my payments every week. I've never missed a payment since the one time I did at the beginning when I got the car a year ago, and that was because I wasn't used to the 28 day payment cycle thingie that this particular finance company has. I paid my late fees on that one and haven't done it since. I always had an agreement with the office lady and everyone knew me there... because of my nighttime schedule (work 12 to 16 hour shifts, and that's afternoons/midnights) they were okay with me dropping off my payment through the dropbox with my name, car, etc and the amount. She was, I should say. Every other week I did that, depending on how crazy my schedule was. Then, the next week or so I'd go in and make my next payment and the receipt would reflect BOTH payments, though I'd dropped the other in the box. The catch to it is that the place only accepted cash and money orders, or at least that's the way it was when I got my car. And who has the time to get a money order? I figured that since they knew me so well there, by name really, it'd be okay to believe in the office lady that I'd be okay to drop my cash payment in an envelope in the night drop box now and then. And for a while, I was. So, I called and left a message for my finance company/the place I bought the car and called them at 9am when they opened. Talked to the new manager, I guess they'd let go some people and hired new people on. Apparently, there was ONE payment (of $80.25) missing from my July 31st payment date. They got the one I dropped a few days ago for this week, but that still left me with one payment "missing". I was pretty much ready to cry, and I asked him to look and see that I always make my payments, and I don't know why they didn't have record of me dropping it, there had never been a problem before because I'd had an agreement with the office lady about it because of my schedule like I said. Well, turns out that's the day they freaking fired the office lady. They fire her, and my payment goes missing. They said they couldn't do anything about it, because I couldn't prove that I'd dropped the money off so technically I have to pay $600 repo fees, $100+ late fees, plus the amount they said I owed. And the kicker? I only owed about $450 more on my car in general... I was going to be PAID OFF in a month. So here I was, 10 days late... (and like I asked.. they couldn't even CALL me and ASK me "Hey Amanda... we see that you're missing a payment from this date, yet you dropped off a payment for the following week on time. Did you mess something up or is something going on??").... and they repo my car. In the middle of the night. Now this is where it gets crazy.... a few months before I got my car, my dad purchased a car from them as well. Two months into having the thing, his car breaks down hardcore. Like $1000 worth of work hardcore. He takes it back, tells them where to put (shove) it and gives them the car back. So they decide to sue him. Since my dad is filing bankruptcy, he doesn't care. He hasn't even told them where he lived. So imagine my shock when they come back with a "deal" for me. The guy literally called me back and was like "Okay, well here's the thing. We'll cut you a deal. Tell us where your dad works (keep in mind I didn't even know this guy, know how he knows about my dad, etc!!!), and where he lives, and we'll cut the repo fees in half." I cried (thank you theater class) and somehow managed to convince them that I don't talk to my dad (which I don't, much) and definitely don't know where he lives or works. They finally buy it, but won't go much farther down than $600 fees. I convince them that I've only got $401 in my savings account... and mysterious, and easily, they decide they'll take that. So they "do me a favor" and send a lady that works there to pick me up, take me to the bank, pick up the money..... and then give her the money (WITH RECEIPTS MIND YOU!!!!) in the parking lot of the McDonald's down the street from my house, where my car was waiting. I've never been so stunned and weirded out by a situation in my LIFE. :eek: My dad and I both decided that they pulled this stunt to try and get to him, and it cost me $400 (which was in my savings for my upcoming vacation in 4 1/2 months). I've decided I'm not going to do anything for another month until I've paid off the car (I only have 4 week payments left) and have the title fully in my hand. After that... I'm thinking the Better Business Bureau... and whatever else people might suggest. On top of all that... my computer decided to try and kick the dust again today, and I had to restore it and have been working for HOURS reinstalling EVERYTHING I need on it. :mad: Today.... was a..... day from.... :flame:!! On a positive note... I maintained my sanity and myself rather well. It's got to be the healthy lifestyle I've adopted these past months... because any other day I would have probably collapsed from stress, and in mental meltdown. My whole body would be hurting, I'd probably whither away into drooling nothingness in my room, etc. But... yet... I still feel strong, positive thinking (though it's going to be hard to make up the $400 I lost), and will be going to the gym in the morning when I wake up. That, unto itself, is amazing. I've really changed... and all because I've changed my lifestyle and eating. I can definitely say I'm proud of myself today... :) So anyways... sorry this was so long guys.... but I wanted to see what you guys think of all of it, if you have any suggestions, and basically... VENT!! It's not every day you get hit up by the suburban mafia. :shrug: | |
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