| Hi Everyone! August 17, 2009 at 12:26 am |
| I just found this forum tonight, but I have been working on dropping weight for about 6 weeks now (-15 lbs so far!!!). I gained a lot of weight in the past four years, moving to and from canada (love TO), ending a long relationship, single parenting, work, school, basically life stresses. I stopped working out and started eating out, and I'm sure you can all guess how quickly the scale picked up pace! I have never been this large, or unhealthy, in my life and I am soooo depressed. I am on 4 different medications for depression, medication to sleep, etc. I'm off work on medical right now and I am trying to use this time to turn my life around, and i believe that starts with getting back to a healthy weight. Much to my surprise (or really i should say my horror) that involves losing about 90 lbs! I just moved back to the States so i haven't made any friends here but I am looking forward to getting to know you all :) and making friends here! |
| How did I get here? August 16, 2009 at 11:46 pm |
| Although I don't know how I got here (to this weight), I am glad to have found this site and so many other people in the same boat as me. I don't know about any of you guys, but the evenings are hardest for me. That's when I lose the battle to temptation most often. I'm looking for a few buddies out there with this same issue -- my hope is that we can help motivate each other to stay on course and keep our bigger goals in mind when our will power is waning! I'm online a lot at night, and if you are, too, that would be ideal! |
| OT - How do you meet people? August 16, 2009 at 11:29 pm |
| And by people I mean guys with which to have a romantic relationship with :) So I got my tarot cards read in SF. Astrology, all that stuff, is a hobby of mine. I don't take it *too* seriously, but its fun. This one said I need to learn how to let things happen instead of forcing them. This is a problem I have (see title of this thread, for example). I've been on eHarmony for a long time, and its just a money suck (for me). I'm letting my membership expire, saying to myself that I'm trying to buy a house and going back to school, I need to focus on that. However, I'm 27.5. TWO of the girls I went to highschool with got married this weekend, and the majority of them are already married. I just don't know where to meet people. I go out with my girl friends, but most people I know are attached and don't have single friends who want to date. What do all of you do to meet people? |
| HELP with eating out tommorow August 16, 2009 at 11:28 pm |
| |
| ~*~*~*~*Weekly Chat - August 16 - 22~*~*~*~*~ August 16, 2009 at 11:25 pm |
| Hello Ladies! I have returned from the west coast in one piece (and possibly a few pounds heavier, I'll see tomorrow). The trip was good - I just realized that my friend Jen and I, while I love her and she's one of my best friends in the whole world, are not compatible traveling companions. I like to see the sites (no matter how touristy they may be) and walk everywhere, where she does NOT like to do anything mildly touristy and likes to take cabs everywhere. Example - I wanted to take a cable car. I was in San Francisco! Its what you do! And she wasn't too keen on it, but we hopped on, and then, well, it ran out of power. The dude was saying, okay you can take shuttle buses, but honestly, I could SEE our destination. She jumped out and hailed a cab and jumped right in it, and was like "well, we tried - we can just cab it everywhere, I'll pay." The money isn't the point (well, not the major one) - I wanted to ride on a cable car! Trolley cars were out after that, the line was too long and she said she didn't want to look like a tourist. She comes from money, and I do not, so I'm just going to chalk it up to different ways of growing up. The trip was pretty nice though. I'm just hoping that I maintained or only gained 1 or 2 lbs. At first I was po'ed at myself that I didn't walk enough, but what was I going to do? Throw her out of the cab? So I'm just not giving myself a hard time about it. Its the past, and now we must move on... How's everyone else doing? :) :) |
| Nsv August 16, 2009 at 10:50 pm |
| Yesterday was the one month mark of my husband's current deployment. Deployments are a stressful, lonely, worry-filled time for me. I have managed to cope for a full month without relying on emotional eating to get me through it. I'm a 16 year army wife and this is NOT my first rodeo, so let me tell you this is a HUGE NSV for me. If I keep this up, he won't recognize me when he comes home! :D |
| eating slower August 16, 2009 at 10:47 pm |
| Has anyone got into the habit of eating slower? I won't say everyone, but it seems common for overweight people tend to eat their food faster, and not really chew it and taste it. I know it's calories in, calorie out but maybe if eating slowly became more of a habit binging and over eating would be less likely to happen. I'm trying to make a more conscious effort to slow down. Anyone do this and find it makes a difference? Any tips to get used to it and get into the habit? |
| Plan starts tomorrow August 16, 2009 at 10:47 pm |
| Hi, I'm new and starting my diet/exercise plan tomorrow. I'm a little nervous but I've GOT to do something. I'm miserable and feel unhealthy. Glad you guys are here! |
| Men at the gym August 16, 2009 at 10:39 pm |
| Do you stare? Do you still stare even if they are married? There is a married man at my gym and he's so handsome imo. i stare at him, not to hit on him but just for my own perviness. i feel bad tho. i know i shouldn't stare, i would never start anything with him even if he approached me but man, he's handsome. |
| gaining weight from bing eating? August 16, 2009 at 10:09 pm |
| Do you gain and retain the weight you gained from bing eating? Like does it turn into fat by just bing eating one day? or is it not turned into body fat right away? I usually like to have a cheat day 1 day a week and I just eat anything for breakfast/lunch/dinner plus snacks and I usually gain 2-3 lbs the next day but I usually can lose it back in a week. I would appreciate any feedback/advice. Thank you very much! |
| Weekly weigh-in Aug. 17 to Aug. 23 August 16, 2009 at 9:57 pm |
| Everyone dropped a smidge over 57 pounds last week! Woo-hoo ladies, that was awesome! :cp: Are we going to top it this week???? |
| Rapid weight loss August 16, 2009 at 9:24 pm |
| HI, I like the weight loss, but I am worried that it is a bit too fast. I am doing ca. 20 gr. carbs per day, I am between 1500 and 2000 calories a day. 1. Day: 136,5lb 2. Day: 136,0lb 3. Day: 135,4lb 4. Tag: 134.4lb 5. Tag: 133,4lb Isnt 1 lb per day too fast? |
| Atkins-friendly homemade cinnamon dolce ice cream August 16, 2009 at 9:06 pm |
| It's been as hot as the Devil's armpit lately, and I've really been craving ice cream. Today I put on my thinking cap and here's what I came up with: 1 cup heavy whipping cream 1 tsp sea salt 2 tsp Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Sugar-Free Syrup 1 big Ziploc freezer bag 1 little Ziplock sandwich bag crushed ice I filled the big bag with ice+salt and the little bag with cream+syrup. I buried the little bag in the big bag, and then I shook it and shook it and shook it for about 10 minutes (which was a workout!) I unearthed the little bag to reveal: delicious, airy, pretty-darn-close-to-ice cream. I split my yield into 2 small servings, about 3 carbs each, and had one today. The rest I'm saving for later. It's no big bowl or triple-scoop cone, but just enough to satisfy my midsummer ice cream urges. I guess you could mix it up with other flavored sugar-free syrups, or liquid stevia. Toppings I'm not so sure about--powdered cinnamon, maybe? a light dusting of bitter baking chocolate? A little coffee in the mix? Anyway, I'm totally proud of my ingenuity today. :carrot: |
| Calorie King August 16, 2009 at 9:02 pm |
| I'm joining now to see maybe If that helps me stay on track. I think calorie counting but staying lowish will be good for me. Im going to try to do 1700 than 1500 every other day. Anyone have input? I love when people give me tips or advice. |
| National Weight Control Registry August 16, 2009 at 8:39 pm |
| I got the paperwork Friday to fill out to be registered with them :carrot: |
| 30 Minute Cardio DVDs August 16, 2009 at 7:50 pm |
| I am in search of 30 minute cardio DVDs...know of any? Please share here :D |
| Anyone get sick in Phase I?? August 16, 2009 at 7:50 pm |
| I woke up this morning with my blood sugar around 350 and then gave a bolus to correct that. Then I had breakfast. I had 2 slics of turkey bacon and then the mock french toast and some sf syrup. A litte after eating my stomach felt kinda sick... I went back to sleep because I didn't feel to well. I had the weirdest dream I was throwing up and usually thats some kinda insight that I will throw up because somethings not right in my stomach. I woke up feeling like crap still and I finally threw up a lil while later. (Don't mean to gross anyone out but it was my breakfast) My blood sugar was still high so I changed my pump site and I have been slowly bringing it down the past couple hours. I have been keeping water down for the past couple hours and I am feeling better then before. Has anyone else gotten sick in phase one? What did you do? I dont know if it was what I ate or my blood sugar being high or what. I wanna stick this out I have 3 more days left in phase I and I really wanna do it. Any advice?? Thanks!! |
| Nsv August 16, 2009 at 7:48 pm |
| When I moved here with my boyfriend last year in July, I was wearing a size 3X and 4X in shirts. I now have on one of his size medium tshirts :D. I'm excited about that probably more so than it deserves but damn it feels good :D :carrot::carrot: |
| Whats wrong with me? August 16, 2009 at 7:23 pm |
| Why cant I lose weight? How is it that I over eat almost every day? I hate myself right now. I cant stay imotivated longer than a week. Why is that? People say well than u dont want it enough. Which isnt true. I think it has a lot to do with my meds for anxiety. Sometimes I cant stay with things. But its all in my head. I need to lose this weight. HELPPPPPPPPPP |
| Falling off the wagon August 16, 2009 at 7:13 pm |
| Its happened. I started my weight loss in Oct. 08. I did great until about 2 months ago. Since then I have been slacking in my eating. Im still working out 5x per week but im letting myself fall back into my old eating habits. So girls for those of you who have been where I am right now how did you get back on track? I keep saying im going to... that gaining a few pounds (ive gained 4) would be my wake up but its been a few weeks since the last gain and im still allowing myself to eat things I know I shouldnt be. Im hoping to get back on track before I gain more. I for sure did not loose almost 40lbs to gain it back.. but I cant seem to stop cramming food into my face.. .mostly sweets Should I avoid them altogether until I get back on track? When I first started my new eating and working out I allowed myself a sweet treat on Friday evenings and that was it the rest of the time it was fruit if I really wanted something sweet. Now its whatever I happen to want ice cream brownies etc. any help? |
| unintentionally gained weight... ugh August 16, 2009 at 7:07 pm |
| UGH! Got on the scale today and found out I'm back at 160 lbs from a nice low of 157.8 lbs :( (*** FYI: I decided not to change my current weight info since I want to keep that as motivation to get back into the dang 150s! :)). I had a bad shoulder injury last sunday night so I took time off from the gym (bad as in I woke up the next morning and my body screamed: you get up for anything other than going to the bathroom or eating and I will literally kill you ;)) ... I walked outside this past week and enjoyed it and still counted my calories like the calorie counting/food scale **** I am with myself. I think I know why I gained weight: 1. I kept the calories at the same amount as if I was still going to the gym. Looking back, I should have gone back to 1,500 calories from the 1,800 calories I've been eating as of late (***or maybe even as low as 1,200 calories for maintenance... but for a 5 ft 8 inch chick, it's frustrating to figure out at this point in the weight loss journey, how much to eat to maintain if I don't workout at the gym for a week, grrrr). It just didn't occur to me to do that with all the difficulties I've been having lately in just trying to figure out how much to eat PERIOD in order to lose weight :( 2. I thought my food scale was accurate... turns out, I finally realized this morning by not making a certain adjustment if I don't use the food scale dish that comes with the food scale, then I have added an extra 2 oz to my food!!! (*I only have been using the scale this past week to weigh some apples... I weighed them as full apples without cutting them up first and putting them in the food scale dish. DUH! *smacks head.*) Honestly, I feel like such a moron when I realized this. I was hoping to just maintain this past week. I planned all my meals down to the last morsel in calories so I certainly was NOT planning on gaining weight this week, sigh. I also know I've had severe PMS cramps for several days in a row and had to take midol (*which is very rare for me to have to take unless the cramps - and I hardly get them - are bad). I'm not going to use this as an excuse compared to the 2 that I listed above, but just as a side piece of info. But my shoulder's healed up and ready to go back to the gym monday!!! A part of me doesn't want to, lol :p since I enjoyed the break in my routine with walking outside, but I need to break a hard sweat and get back into a better aerobic routine. Ah well.... :) My rant for the day is over, lol. Thanks for listening! ~ tea |
| Hey there~! August 16, 2009 at 6:58 pm |
| So I was googling stuff on weight loss and such and came across 3FC. I'm happy I found an active board! :D So, hello! I'm MiniGeekGirl. This will be my senior year in high school, and I've already lost 25 lbs since starting school last year. My 18th birthday is in late November, and I was hoping to lose at least another 10-15 pounds by then. I also have an anime convention in January [Ohayocon!] I'm possibly going to. I wanna get down another dress size or two by then, too! [I'm down from a 15/16 and now wear 10/11. My goal is 5/6! I wanna be there by the anime convention in May. (ACen~!)] I just finished working out a bit ago, so I'm all endorphin-high right now and that explains the kinda hyper intro. So YAAAAAAAAAAAAY~ You'll see me a lot! Hopefully this will help me stay on track! |
| New here August 16, 2009 at 5:27 pm |
| Hello :wave: Another Newbie to add to the crowd! I have high hopes to stick around for awhile so that I am a "seasoned" long term member here. A little back ground info. I went from 160 to 246 in approx 4 years. I got pregnant and had a child approx 3 years ago. I went from a work-aholic to a stay at home mom. I kinda just got into a slump one day and quit doing much. With having a new baby and the lack of sleep I stayed in jammies and became a Ben & Jerry's - aholic but I am in recovery form that. I knew I had to give it up if I ever wanted to take off weight. Anyways I have recently found that I love to walk. My child and I take nice hour long walks nearly everyday. Now and I waiting for the pounds to come off but they aren't... So I am here looking for guidance, help, and mostly support. In exchange I will offer up any advise, and support I can. I look forward to getting to know ya'll and losing some weight with ya. |
| I Can Accomplish This! August 16, 2009 at 5:25 pm |
| Hello Everyone, I am Brige and new to the forum. I am starting my weight lost journey for the last time. I say the last time because as we all know we have all lost weight only to gain it back. I ordered from WonderSlim from diet direct. Wish me luck, as I wish all newbie much luck and success! |
| choosing a plan August 16, 2009 at 5:22 pm |
| I'm finding it hard to find the right eating plan. Since I'm not supposed to be "dieting" buy changing my lfestyle, I want totake things seriously. I have a hard time getting in veggies, but could give up bread, potatoes, and pasta, but would have a hard time giving up fruit. Any suggestions? Carol |
| Wooohoooo August 16, 2009 at 4:45 pm |
| 8 kilos (16lbs) down and one full size. Totally excited. Wanting pizza and sushi and ice cream but sticking to it. 2 more kilos to first goal. Time to hit the gym since I have been slacking. |
| Here I go...wish me luck August 16, 2009 at 4:02 pm |
| Well, I cleaned out my fridge and pantry...shopped for my new lifestyle...dusted off my food diary -- I'm ready to go. |
| Coping with being overweight August 16, 2009 at 4:01 pm |
| I realize what I am doing is lame. But I have isolated away from friends and family because of my weight gain. I don't really want anyone who knows me to see what has become of me. I haven't even seen my father in 2 years because of this and have made excuses not to see old friends and former colleagues. I have lost some weight and feel better about that....but it will be a few months before I am at a point that I am not completely depressed over. Any thoughts? |
| GAME ~ Word Association #23 August 16, 2009 at 3:32 pm |
| We made it to 500 posts so here we go again. The last entry was: car |
| No Wonder!! August 16, 2009 at 3:19 pm |
| So, I've been tracking my calories on fitday, and I got to wondering just how many calories did I eat before?? So, I just approximated a typical work day menu: three donuts and coffee with half and half for breakfast. A chicken parm pannini with lots of chips for lunch. A huge bag of candy for a "snack" and maybe a burger and fries for dinner.... I got to 5000 calories EASY, and there were days when I ate even MORE than that!! Also, 62% carbs! Jeez. |
| Last night I had a dream that.. August 16, 2009 at 3:10 pm |
| ..I was on this airplane that was just driving and driving - like it tried to take off into the air but it couldn't. So it just kept driving for miles and miles down the runway. Inside this plane was a buffet style table with people sitting on both sides. They kept bringing us all this food and I just kept eating it. Eating and eating and eating.. everyone in the plane was eating a ridiculous amount! And since the plane couldn't take off and just kept driving we all just kept eating. The one thing I remember eating was pancakes with syrup.. and underneath the pancakes was a bed of spaghetti noodles drenched in syrup (uh, ew.). So as I take the first bite of the noodles, the girl across from me is taking a bite of hers, and then she starts to look and act like she is about to throw up.. which makes me start feeling like I'm gonna do the same.. And then I woke up. WEIIIIIRRRRDDDD. Any of you ever had any crazy food related dreams?? Or any crazy dreams at all for that matter? |
| I need a belt! August 16, 2009 at 2:58 pm |
| So today I wanted to take a few more progress pics in my "midway goal" jeans that I was first able to wear in June. I put them on, took the pics, and then started washing dishes and tidying up in the kitchen. But my pants were bugging me. I didn't really think about why, but now I know. I need a belt. I need to go find a belt to wear with my midway goal jeans that I could barely wear in June. I feel stunned, like I should be happy but instead I don't even know what to think! I'm going to try to post the pictures a little later. I told myself that I was going to start being brave and doing things out of my comfort zone, and one of those things is to let you guys see pictures. So I will try to get to that today. After I go find my belt. |
| What's your mantra? August 16, 2009 at 2:57 pm |
| I'm curious to know everyone's weight loss mantra if they have them. |
| Helping a friend? August 16, 2009 at 2:43 pm |
| I need some advice because I am feeling like I am between a rock and a hard place here and not quite sure what to do or how I should go about doing it. In the title I put helping a friend, even though I am talking about my sister, just because I figured maybe others have been in this same situation with a friend or a relative too and might have some advice. My sister is about my height and 260ish lbs. She has started losing weight and is blogging about it daily and doing really well. But I am worried that she might be pushing herself too hard and not being realistic. The first week she lost 3lbs which is good and I think ok for the first few weeks. She then set her goal to lose 4lbs the next week and did. Then I talked to her about setting her goals to be realistic and that 1-2lbs is normal and she might lose alot at first but then it will slow down. she then made her next weeks goal 3lbs. she lost 6.5lbs. and her next weeks goal is 3lbs again. She isn't counting her calories, just watching what she eats. and I think she is not eating enough from what she blogs. Should I just MMYB? Let her do as she please and if she comes to me for advice give it? I said my peace once and now let her choose to follow it or not. Or should I kindof push it? and/or talk to my mom and SiL who lives with her to check on her more? Should I give her positive info, like links and articles acting like I am just sharing info and not nagging lol or just lead by example and hope she comes around? I usually think people should just do what they want but this could be bad for her health and her happiness. She is very very depressed about her weight and this is the first real step she has taken to do it besides little diets for a week ya know. and if she starts off losing alot and then hits rock bottom with little or no weight loss or starts not hitting her goal I am afraid it will be bad for her :( We said we would support each other, keep pushing each other and stay in touch through blogging to make sure we all were on track so I think my nagging is what she signed up for with that lmao but then again no one likes to be nagged :( also she does not have insurance and just started a new job just part time so wont have it so she wont visit a dr either. |
| Scattergories-----Can't Get Enough August 16, 2009 at 2:29 pm |
| Howdy all! :) We were working on the letter Y but we got to 500 posts. Soooo....here we go: 1. What's the first word you think of starting with the letter in play? - Yo yo 2. Things people (adults or children) get in trouble for - Yelling 3. TV Shows (old or current) - Yes, Dear 4. Reasons why you might be late - 5. Things found on your desk - 6. Name your favorite activity - Yoga 7. Name a celebrity - Yanni 8. A favorite song or musical group - Yes 9. Things you would spend money on - Yarn 10. It sure would stink to be - 11. Inventions - YouTube 12. Unprocessed foods (things eaten in their natural state) - Yellow Squash 13. Things you have to cook before you eat them - Yeast breads 14. Something you buy regularly - Yogurt 15. "I'd love to spend a day with - Yoko Ono 16. A cool sounding name - Yoshi 17. A worthy charity - Young Women's Resource Center 18. A favorite food or guilty pleasure - Yellowtail Sushi 19. "There isn't enough money in the world to get me to try- Yak Meat 20. A favorite fictional character - Yu Yu Hakusho |
| Questions on Diet & Exercise for Jillian Michaels August 16, 2009 at 2:24 pm |
| Hi Jillian, I heard that you read this thread so I hope that you can help? I had sent to this question into KFI but then a few days later you took a break from the show. I hope someday you return, we never missed a Sunday it was great. I will set the question up first: I have lost over 90 pounds since last September and have been exercising (cardio) everyday as of 2/28/09. I am now up to 110 minutes of cardio a day, but for the past few weeks my sweat has been smelling like ammonia about 50 minutes into my workout. I do have lunch a mix of protein, fat and good carbohydrates about 30 minutes before I workout. I have read a few of the post about ammonia smelling sweat, but that happens to athletes that start burning muscle. But the problem is I still have well over 60 pounds to lose so my body shouldn't be burning muscle but fat reserves, RIGHT? I eat 1500 calories a day, 34 years old, 5'8 and weigh 200 lbs. I had blood tests done and my liver funtion is great. Thank you Kate :^: |
| "Lifestyle Changes Without Surgery Don't Work" August 16, 2009 at 2:19 pm |
| So it's Sunday morning and as always, I'm on the elliptical in Ballys. I'm watching one of the news talk shows and a bariatric surgeon is being interviewed about the obesity crisis and she makes the statement: "Lifestyle changes without surgery don't work." Not "usually don't work" or even "rarely work". She flat out said that permanent weight loss is impossible without surgery. I understand that she's a bariatric surgeon so is coming at this from the perspective of dealing with failed dieters, but wow! I felt like jumping off the elliptical and screaming at the TV but -- not a good strategy. So I stayed on and thought about this for a while. Clearly lifestyle changes can result in permanent weight loss, though even I have to admit that it doesn't very often. There are those of us here at 3FC who are living, breathing examples of lifestyle changes working, often for many years and still counting. But anyone who has spent time here at 3FC or heck, in the real world knows that most people who set out to lose weight typically don't -- and those who do lose weight most likely will put it all back on. We have 85,000+ registered members here who are looking to lose an average of 100 pounds. How many lost it and kept it off? Does this reality mean that the medical profession is right to completely give up on non-surgical weight loss? My PCP has been practicing for more than 25 years and she tells me that I'm her only patient who has lost and kept off a substantial amount of weight. These days she routinely sends her obese patients for surgery. When I asked her why, she said that she used to spend a lot of time counseling patients about diet and exercise only to have them ignore the advice and continue to gain. Her view is that none of her patients want to do the work of weight loss. So she now sees surgery as their only realistic option. The implication of this to me is that fewer and fewer health care dollars will be available to support non-surgical weight loss and maintenance. If the default medical position is to automatically send obese patients for surgery, no resources will be available to someone trying lifestyle changes. I've talked before about how the local medical school has a program called "Life After Weight Loss", with nutritional counseling, plastic surgery for excess skin, psychological counseling -- all services I -- as someone working to maintain a 122 pound weight loss -- would love to access. The problem is that it's only available to patients who have had weight loss surgery. Try finding a program for someone who's lost more than 100 pounds without surgery -- it doesn't exist. We really are the orphans of the medical system. Are we really freaks, as a doctor once called me? Are we so rare and unusual that we should just be ignored? Is what we do to lose weight and keep it off so "extreme" and "obsessive" that normal people can't be expected to do it? This country is in a tragic place regarding obesity. We live in a toxic, obesogenic environment. People are getting fatter at an exponential weight. Health costs due to obesity are spiraling out of control. And now it seems that the medical establishment has concluded that the only solution is surgical weight loss. More than ever, I feel that we at 3FC are making a statement to the world. Yes, lifestyle changes can result in permanent weight loss. Yes, it is possible to lose huge amounts of weight and keep it off forever with diet and exercise. Yes, we losers and maintainers live happy and fulfilled lives, filled with joy and purpose. More than ever, we need to support each other and offer a helping hand to anyone who’s struggling. The motto of 3FC has always been “Because we’re all in this together” and it’s truer than ever. For too many members, there's no support from the real world but at 3FC there always will be a shoulder to lean on and a hand to pull you up when you fall. My dream would be if every one of us succeeds in our goals. All 85,000+ of us. How incredibly cool would that be?! Let’s join together to fight the stereotypes of lifestyle changes not working. Let's turn the medical establishment upside down! Let's show the world that yes, we did it and so can you. :carrot: |
| Ammonia smelling sweat August 16, 2009 at 1:56 pm |
| Hi, I have lost over 90 pounds since last September and have been exercising (cardio) everyday as of 2/28/09. I am now up to 110 minutes of cardio a day, but for the past few weeks my sweat has been smelling like ammonia about 50 minutes into my workout. I do have lunch a mix of protein, fat and good carbohydrates 30 minutes before I workout, so I don't think it's that. And I have read a few of the post about ammonia smelling sweat, but that happens to athletes that start burning muscle. But the problem is I still have well over 60 pounds to lose so my body shouldn't be burning muscle but fat reserves, RIGHT? :?: I eat 1500 calories a day, am 5'8 and weight 200 lbs. Does anyone know the answer? Thanks |
| 15th of the months is photo time! August 16, 2009 at 1:46 pm |
| OK, I'm starting with big apologies because I'm feeling both boastful and happy. The past few weeks have been really hard work, just keeping the waggon in sight, never mind staying on it. I took new pics today and I'm so proud of them, that I'm in a much more waggony frame of mind now! All my earlier pics, I've taken either in a mirror or on timer, leaning far forward so as to give my chin as much of a chance as possible to look like a chin and not hidden in a great collar of fat. And the first 2 photos are that. The 3rd one though, oh the third one. I decided to be brave and stand normally - and I still look like I've got a chin!:carrot: for chins! (well, only one each).   08-15-2009  01-15-2009 The 3rd one, the unposed for chin effect one, has given me so much confidence that It's Working - that I am now firmly planted on the waggon and galloping towards the finishing tape! Thanks to chickie-support, of course! |
| If you get the chance ( NickelBack Dark horse tour ) August 16, 2009 at 12:20 pm |
| I went to see them here in Detroit on the 12th and it was the best concert I have been to. But I have to say I really like this band so that helps out. But also the stress :woohoo: release was great, and I come to learn that I like the other bands that they had open for them, papa roach ,hinder. I went with the son and the husband so we all had a great time. I love all their music but Burn it to the ground and animal songs get me going . That's some of my work out music as well. Whats some concerts recently that anyone went to and did you like it. And has anyone else seen Nickel Back?  |
| See Ya to the 130's challenge! August 16, 2009 at 11:30 am |
| Hi ladies, I'm going to miss the support that I got in the 140 challenge tread, now that I'm sitting at 138.4 lbs, So I think Its a perfect time to start a thread for those in the 130's! |
| I'm crying and acting pathetic August 16, 2009 at 11:12 am |
| I did so good this week, last week too. In the last 2 weeks I have lost ONE LB. You can probably lose that with one good BM. which means I probably haven't lost any weight at all! I'm so angry! I have lost an inch off my waist and TWO INCHES off my bust, but no weight? Why not? I cut down on dairy and olive oil and upped my cals to the proper deficit. I eat about 1750 a day and exercise almost EVERY DAY. If I"m losing inches where is the fat going if not off my body!? Did it just slide down to my hips or something? Is it relocating?! Last night I tried to prepare myself for not losing, but I guess I didn't do a very good job as I am sitting here totally freaking out, crying and discouraged. |
| Feeling Really, Really Down (off topic) August 16, 2009 at 11:06 am |
| My husband's been laid off since December, and his unemployment will be running out pretty soon. I'm plugging away at a stressful job that sucks the soul out of me (yeah, I know, I'm lucky to even *have* a job). I'm around people and chaos 'WAY too much, I never have any time at all to myself unless I get up at 5:00 in the morning (and then I'm half-dead by 3:30.) I sit in my car during my lunch hour (regardless of how hot it is outside) just to get some time ALONE. I'm already dreading going back to work tomorrow, which means I'm not even allowing myself to enjoy my time off. Talk about a crappy mindset! I worry about bills. Constantly. I worry about credit card debt. (Brakes on my car went last week, and I have a feeling there's going to be a vet bill fairly soon.) Husband flutters around helplessly, then disappears into the computer. I'm 57 years old, exhausted, discouraged, and feeling absolutely hopeless. Weight's at 240 and hovering. (I haven't updated my avatar.) I manage to work out sometimes, but lately more and more I skip a day and just collapse into a chair feeling totally depleted. Been staying pretty much on track with eating, mostly because I haven't had much of an appetite. Sorry for dumping, thanks for listening! |
| Trying once again... August 16, 2009 at 10:28 am |
| Several years ago I was an LA Weight Loss Member. I was successful in losing 89 pounds in a little over a year. I moved out of the area and couldn't find a center where we now lived. Sadly, I have regained a good portion of weight back again...I am ready to begin again. I did my initial take off phase and am starting the Red Plan. Does anyone know if there are similar bars to the LA Lites that I can buy in the grocery store, etc.? You help is appreciated. Micky |
| My weight's down enough to cut calories but... August 16, 2009 at 10:01 am |
| it's also the point in my workout routine (I do DVD's that are tiered, step 1, 2 & 3) where I'm supposed to move to step 2 which means increasing my cardio 10 extra minutes. I'm trying to figure out how to approach this. I've tried doing both this week, being easier on myself about the calories; trying to keep them under the "new amount" but not focusing on it unless they went over or came really close to the "old amount," which was twice this past week. I think I'm going about this wrong. I've gotten a slump starting to rear its head. I get up in the morning and all I want to do is go back to sleep, even if its on the couch. I don't have the energy or desire to do the daily chores let alone workout/calorie count; but on the same hand I don't want to undo all my progress and I really, really want the scale to go back down so I'm trying to find the energy to move and keeping the Slump Monster at bay. I'm really wondering if this has to do with the situation with the increase workout/decrease calories delima. How would you guys go about it? I'd really, really, really appreciate your advice. |
| Kick off cleansing techniques? August 16, 2009 at 9:57 am |
| I was watching a review video for Turbo Jam on youtube, and after the girl was done reviewing her favorite workout videos, she went into talking about some sort of cleansing technique that she uses. I couldn't catch the name of what system she uses, but she was saying how vitally important it was to do a full body cleanse when trying to lose weight. Have any of you ever tried this? If so what systems have you used? Which would your recommend? What sort of results did you get? |
| Timing sucks August 16, 2009 at 9:54 am |
| I hit the 260's, which I should be :carrot: about, and I am but my weight's been shifting back and forth between 267.8 and 269 all week, which is depressing. Today, my "offical" weigh in day, its at 269, which would be a gain, I believe. I'm thinking of not recording it. I'm drinking lots of water today, avoiding sodium and seeing what it is tomorrow because I've worked out, 5 times this past week. Today is supposed to be a day off but Friday I didn't feel like I did a great workout (instead of one of the DVD's I just walked around the neighborhood for 20-30 minutes) so I'm going to trudge through another workout. My calories for the overall week are in defieciet of my calories burned but the scale isn't moving. My question: how many of you are flexible about your weigh in days? Do you record regardless if your up or down, even if your sure it could be water retention or something else or will you wait a day to see if the numbers go down? I don't want to feel like I'm cheating. |
| Seriously, how long does it take? August 16, 2009 at 9:49 am |
| Hello everybody! I am still sorta new around here, and I have a question. How long does it usually take to start seeing some results, ANY results? I took a trip to the states for a month, from the end of June to the end of July, and in that time, I was able to lose about 6 lbs. I was all excited about this and thought it would be a great start for my new efforts at weight loss and fitness. And since I got back (after spending the first week dealing with an immediate visit of relatives on top of jet lag) I immediately got myself into a routine of exercising at least 1 hour a day. Since August 4th, I've only missed two days of doing some form of exercise for at least an hour every day, and most of it was aerobic exercise too. I don't eat all that much in general. Though you could never tell by looking at me, I've never really been much of an over-eater. I eat moderate portions of usually healthy type foods and don't really go overboard on any sort of snacks or sweets at all. /shrug I'm just not really much of a food person. So it's been a couple of weeks now, and I have yet to see any sort of weight loss. Is it too soon to even be able to see 2 lbs lost or anything that could give me some sort of hope? |
| Calories ugh August 16, 2009 at 9:23 am |
| Im putting this post here because its basically about my diet. I am on a whole foods vegetarian diet (I slip and fall with dairy more often then not). But, either way. I know alot of people follow calorie restricted diets. I go back and forth with partly due to my love of food. I get very hungry therefore have to eat. So you could say I eat alot anyways. I have a hard time restricting myself to the 1,500-1,700 cal. diets that are around. I happened to have what alot of people call a "bad day" yesterday. I ate way to much. Of course all heathy foods. Just really overdid it. This is what hte list included: 5 cups of fruit, 1 cup of nuts, huge sweet potato w/ alot of honey, cinnamon, nutmeg., about 6 cups of pocorn or more, lentil/couscous (whole wheat) salad for lunch. All this being said I was scared of the scale today. Not my weigh in day but wanted to see what damage I did. I went on the scale and I was down 8oz from the day before. How did I loose weight instead of putting it on? I mean ive noticed this before just not in such a large amount in one day. So I get to wondering is it really the quantity of the food we consume or the type of food (healthy,natural) that matters? |
| Loss of appetite August 16, 2009 at 8:19 am |
| Can I ask for your opinions? I've lost my appetite and it's beginning to worry me. In my "former life" (being part-Asian) I'd cook tons of food, have a heaped plate (or two) and save the rest for the next day. Now I cook smaller meals - like much smaller, I use a small plate to measure my portions - and I just can't finish them. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now (and I've got the scarily fast weight loss to prove it), but just now it's really hit home. I had made a small meal for myself: a slice of bread, egg on top, some cheese on top of that. And I could only eat 3/4 of it. Three-quarters of one slice of bread. I'm beginning to get worried - should I mention this to my doctor? Any tips on getting my appetite back? It's hard to make a sensible eating plan when I look at all the recipes and don't feel like eating any of them. :?: | |
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